本文关键词:先秦文献语境中“夫子之文章可得而闻也”考辨 出处:《西藏民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The article is the key to understand the chapter of the Analects of Analects of Confucius and the Tao of Heaven. In the notes and notes of the past dynasties, the annotation of what banquets was interpreted with "literary style and quality", and Huangkanshu with the interpretation of "six books". Zhu Xi "the Collection of the four Books" is interpreted by "Magical ci". However, by examining the pre-Qin literature, such as Zuo Zhuan, this article holds that "the Master's article can be obtained and heard", which means that Confucius was distinguished in his literary and moral works. This contrasts with the historical fact that "the word of the Master and the Tao of Heaven" is "unattainable", which highlights the metaphysical problems of scholars in the Spring and Autumn period, such as attaching importance to the realistic political operation and neglecting the discussion of the relationship between heaven and man.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学;西藏民族大学文学院;
【正文快照】: 引言关于《论语·公冶长》子贡谓“夫子之文章可得而闻也,夫子之言性与天道,不可得而闻也。”(1)历代学者都关注夫子曾言否、子贡曾闻否、“文章”与“性与天道”关系等。玄学、理学对此章创造性诠释,推动了《论语》诠释学的发展。然诠释学的辉煌成果并不意味着对原典的准确把
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