发布时间:2018-06-21 03:39
本文选题:论语辩 + 孔子思想 ; 参考:《国际汉学》2017年01期
【摘要】:《论语辩》(The Original Analects:Sayings of Confucius and His Successors)~①是对《论语》翻译和研究的一部著作,于1998年由哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。作者白牧之(E.Bruce Brooks)、白妙子(A.Takeo Brooks)夫妇现执教于美国马萨诸塞大学(University of Massachussetts)阿默斯特(Amherst)分校亚洲语言与文学系,主要研究领域是先秦思想史。在书中,白氏夫妇提出了《论语》成书的"层累"说,即该原典是经历多个年代、集多人之力才得以形成,从而解释《论语》在内容、风格、句法、结构等方面前后不一致的原因。白氏认为《论语》只有第四篇的前十七章为孔子真实言论的记录,是成书年代最早的一篇,其余都是由后人篡加的,并以文本内容和语言特点为依据划定《论语》成书的历史阶段,在历史背景中诠释文本,以期获得"原初的意义",这也就是该《论语》译本命名为The Original Analects的原因。在此,将该著第四篇(公元前479年)译出~②,以飨读者。
[Abstract]:The original Analects of Confucius and his Successors1 is a work on translation and study of the Analects of Confucius, published by Columbia University Press in 1998. The authors, E. Bruce Brookshe and A. Takeo Brooks, are currently teaching in the Department of Asian languages and Literature at the University of Massachusetts at Amherststs.The major research area is the history of pre-Qin thought. In the book, the Bai and his wife put forward the "layer tired" theory of "the Analects of Confucius", that is to say, the original canon was formed only after many years, so as to explain the Analects of Confucius in content, style, and syntax. The cause of inconsistency in structure, etc. Bai thought that only the first 17 chapters of the fourth part of the Analects of Confucius were records of Confucius' true speech, which was the earliest in the history of the book, and the rest was usurped and added by later generations. On the basis of the content and language characteristics of the text, the historical stage of the Analects of Confucius is delineated, and the text is interpreted in the historical background in order to obtain the original meaning, which is the reason why the Analects of Confucius translation was named the original Analects. Here, the fourth book (479 BC) is translated for readers.
【作者单位】: 美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校亚洲语言与文学系;北京科技大学外国语学院;