[Abstract]:As for the thought of "renaturation", Li ao was not a pioneer of Ming Dynasty. From the pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties, the representative thinkers of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in successive dynasties all had rich and profound thoughts. Li ao's method of interpreting ancient books is to test the mind with his heart as the main content of the book, which is the most similar to some factors of Taoist thought and the antithesis of Taoism in the Tang Dynasty. The concept of Taoism's keeping quiet should be an important background for the production of the book, which advocates the silence of mind, which is close to the thought of Taoism's keeping quiet in Tang Dynasty. Taoism calls people's experience of Tao "body Tao" or "Tao". In Taoist theory system, "Tao" represents the highest entity in the universe, and "sex" refers to man's original spiritual endowment. Taoists believe that the Tao in the process of manifestation, experienced the growth, operation and decline of the eternal cycle of generation. In the process of Tao movement, the natural, perfect, accessible and highly compatible spiritual endowment of the subject and the Taoist body is called "nature", and Taoism generalizes the human body and Taoism activity by the way of return and renaturation. Taoism regards "Taoism" as the core content of the theoretical system of "Taoism", and takes the theory system of mind nature as the main basis of people's practice of Taoism. Mind practice is the same as Taoism practice. The integration of Tao and mind is the ultimate goal of human being. The theoretical focus of Taoism has never deviated from the theory of human beings, the unity of the Tao, the unity of man and the mind. This highly integrated study of nature and human beings not only sublimates the value of the theory of mind. At the end of the 8th century and the beginning of the 9th century, Taoism had a prominent position in the integration of the Tang Dynasty society. It is an inevitable path for thinkers to integrate all kinds of excellent ideological resources including Taoism and Taoism, and to reconstruct the discourse system of their own times. Li ao's renaturation thought absorbed a large number of Taoists and their related scholars, inherited them, and also carried on innovation. Li ao pointed out that renaturation depends on human nature. "the reason why man is a saint, the sex is also," every human nature is pure, this kind of pure nature is endowed by heaven, naturally has legitimacy and rationality, that is, "there is no bad sex." The reason why people deviate from nature is because human nature is influenced by society and has feelings of happiness, anger, fear of love and evil, so it is important to be "renatured". Li ao believes that through fasting meditation, realize the pure realm without thinking, through Fosford, to reach the state of sincerity, thus avoiding the entanglement of desire, restoring the original nature of the person. It is on this foundation of natural nature that Tao has the universal meaning of truth, which takes care of man's state of mind and the moral order of society.
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