发布时间:2021-09-30 04:27
【文章页数】:54 页
摘 要
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 Literature Review Abroad
1.2.2 Literature Review of Domestic Research
2 The Background of the “Spectacle” Concept
2.1 The Social Background
2.2 The Theoretical Basis
2.2.1 Marxist Theory
2.2.2 Structuralism
2.2.3 Daily Life Criticism of Lefebvre
2.2.4 The Media Studies
3 The “Spectacle” Concept
3.1 The Origins of the Word “Spectacle”
3.2 The Definition of the “Spectacle” Theory
3.2.1 The Fetishism of Image
3.2.2 The Image in the Spectacle Society
3.2.3 The Illusory Society
3.3 The Characteristics of the Spectacle Theory
3.3.1 The Silent Majority
3.3.2 The Invisible Manipulation
3.3.3 The Separation
3.3.4 The Manipulation of Leisure Time
4 The Spectacle Empire with Mass-Media
4.1 The Spectacle as the Leading Production of the Society
4.2 The Spectacle as the Leader of Consumption
4.3 The Spectacle as the Dominant Model of Life
5 The Strategies to Salvate the Spectacular Society
5.1 Derive
5.2 Detournement
5.3 Constructed Situation
6 Conclusion
6.1 A Criticism on the “Spectacle” Theory
6.2 The Influence of the “Spectacles” on Today’s China
[1]电视文化的娱乐转向研究:景观社会的视角[J]. 乔新玉. 新闻界. 2015(05)
[2]当代社会如何是一种景观?——评居伊·德波的《景观社会》[J]. 孙全胜. 社会发展研究. 2014(02)
[3]德波景观拜物教思想探究——《景观社会》一书的文本学解读[J]. 裴家庆. 法制与社会. 2014(11)
[4]孤离的神姿:阿甘本与德波的《景观社会》[J]. 张一兵. 马克思主义与现实. 2013(06)
[5]移动新媒体时代的拍客对“景观社会”的构建[J]. 徐尚青,潘元金. 新闻界. 2012(22)
[6]“景观社会”的视觉文化与企业品牌的视觉叙事[J]. 厉春雷. 北方经济. 2012(16)
[7]论大众传媒的景观社会塑造[J]. 张新宇. 中国传媒科技. 2012(08)
[8]试论休闲之本质[J]. 金雪芬. 湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2011(02)
[9]让文化研究走出理论家的图书馆——论本·阿格对景观社会中日常生活的文化研究[J]. 张喜华. 学习与探索. 2011(01)
[10]景观社会及现代人[J]. 汪尧翀. 文学界(理论版). 2010(05)
【文章页数】:54 页
摘 要
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 Literature Review Abroad
1.2.2 Literature Review of Domestic Research
2 The Background of the “Spectacle” Concept
2.1 The Social Background
2.2 The Theoretical Basis
2.2.1 Marxist Theory
2.2.2 Structuralism
2.2.3 Daily Life Criticism of Lefebvre
2.2.4 The Media Studies
3 The “Spectacle” Concept
3.1 The Origins of the Word “Spectacle”
3.2 The Definition of the “Spectacle” Theory
3.2.1 The Fetishism of Image
3.2.2 The Image in the Spectacle Society
3.2.3 The Illusory Society
3.3 The Characteristics of the Spectacle Theory
3.3.1 The Silent Majority
3.3.2 The Invisible Manipulation
3.3.3 The Separation
3.3.4 The Manipulation of Leisure Time
4 The Spectacle Empire with Mass-Media
4.1 The Spectacle as the Leading Production of the Society
4.2 The Spectacle as the Leader of Consumption
4.3 The Spectacle as the Dominant Model of Life
5 The Strategies to Salvate the Spectacular Society
5.1 Derive
5.2 Detournement
5.3 Constructed Situation
6 Conclusion
6.1 A Criticism on the “Spectacle” Theory
6.2 The Influence of the “Spectacles” on Today’s China
[1]电视文化的娱乐转向研究:景观社会的视角[J]. 乔新玉. 新闻界. 2015(05)
[2]当代社会如何是一种景观?——评居伊·德波的《景观社会》[J]. 孙全胜. 社会发展研究. 2014(02)
[3]德波景观拜物教思想探究——《景观社会》一书的文本学解读[J]. 裴家庆. 法制与社会. 2014(11)
[4]孤离的神姿:阿甘本与德波的《景观社会》[J]. 张一兵. 马克思主义与现实. 2013(06)
[5]移动新媒体时代的拍客对“景观社会”的构建[J]. 徐尚青,潘元金. 新闻界. 2012(22)
[6]“景观社会”的视觉文化与企业品牌的视觉叙事[J]. 厉春雷. 北方经济. 2012(16)
[7]论大众传媒的景观社会塑造[J]. 张新宇. 中国传媒科技. 2012(08)
[8]试论休闲之本质[J]. 金雪芬. 湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2011(02)
[9]让文化研究走出理论家的图书馆——论本·阿格对景观社会中日常生活的文化研究[J]. 张喜华. 学习与探索. 2011(01)
[10]景观社会及现代人[J]. 汪尧翀. 文学界(理论版). 2010(05)