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发布时间:2019-03-16 13:35
[Abstract]:As early as the naming of the subject of Chinese, the founder of Chinese education, Mr. Ye Shengtao, put forward the argument that "language is a combination of written language and oral language". It can be seen that oral communication teaching should be one of the important teaching contents of Chinese subject. Especially under the wave of globalization, in the increasingly fierce competition today, both collective and individual must learn how to communicate and cooperate, and oral communicative competence reflects the individual's knowledge, self-cultivation and thinking. The importance of personal development and progress is self-evident. However, for quite a long time, the cultivation of oral communicative competence has not been widely recognized as a teaching content, in which both the misreading of concepts and the backwardness of teaching methods and methods exist. This obviously does not match the objective requirements of the Chinese discipline and the development needs of the modern society. With the continuous development of the new curriculum reform, oral communication teaching has a further understanding of its name and connotation, which is worthy of careful study and study by every educator. Taking literature research, questionnaire investigation and case analysis as the main research methods, taking the basic idea of enhancing the effectiveness of oral communication teaching as the starting point, this paper focuses on the practical application of oral communication teaching, and gives an analysis of the present situation. In view of the common problems existing in the present, this paper puts forward a more optimized strategy. This paper consists of four parts, the first part is the introduction, explains the reasons for the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, the background and purpose of the research and research methods and so on. The second part is an overview of oral communication teaching in Chinese classroom, including the definition of related concepts, the constituent elements and the value significance of oral communication teaching. The third part is the current situation investigation, through the questionnaire survey of many high school Chinese teachers in Henan Province and Shandong Province, to understand the present situation of oral communication teaching, and find out the common problems, and analyze the reasons for this situation. The fourth part puts forward the optimization strategy from the two dimensions of theory and practice, and puts forward that oral communication teaching should improve the effectiveness of teaching in the aspects of changing teaching ideas, improving teachers' accomplishment and optimizing teaching design. At the same time, some typical teaching cases are used as evidence to provide reference for the improvement of oral communication teaching.


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