本文关键词:我国个人信息保护立法探析 出处:《厦门大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 信息社会的发展、科学技术的进步,给人们带来了生活的便捷、交易的便利和信息获取渠道的日益广泛,然而,与此同时出现的却是公民个人信息被非法收集、披露、利用、转让、修改等问题的日益普遍。老的市场经济国家早在20世纪70年代前后,个人信息保护法就已基本健全,欧洲甚至已经缔结了个人信息保护的区域性国际公约。在世界主要国家已就个人信息进行专门立法保护的背景下,我国个人信息保护研究的薄弱以及个人信息保护法律的空白既不利于我国公民基本权利的保护,也不利于我国经济的发展及其与全球经济的互动。 令人欣慰的是,我国已经启动个人信息保护的立法程序,并且已经形成完整的专家立法建议稿,如齐爱民教授主持的《个人信息保护法示范法草案学者建议稿》和周汉华教授主持的《个人信息保护法专家建议稿》就是其中的代表。但是,我国个人信息保护立法在许多方面仍存在争议和研究的空白。可见,加强个人信息保护的研究,明确个人信息保护法律制度的性质、内容、保护原则、保护机制等,制定符合我国国情又与国际接轨的高水平个人信息保护法刻不容缓。全文共4万余字,分三个章节对我国个人信息保护立法问题进行探析。首先概括的阐述了个人信息法律制度的基础理论;其次,简要介绍了美国、德国等国家的个人信息保护立法,并分析了对我国个人信息保护立法的启示和借鉴作用;最后,较为系统全面地从八个方面探讨了我国个人信息保护立法的具体问题,认为我国应加快制定出一部个人信息保护法,并针对立法模式、基本原则、主体制度、个人信息权制度、个人信息侵权行为的法律责任、个人信息保护机构以及个人信息跨国流动的法律问题提出自己的立法建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of information society and the progress of science and technology, people have been brought the convenience of life, the convenience of transaction and the increasingly wide access to information. However, at the same time, the personal information of citizens has been collected illegally. Disclosure, utilization, transfer, modification and other issues are increasingly common. As early as 1970s, the old market economy countries, personal information protection law has been basically sound. Europe has even concluded a regional international convention on the protection of personal information. The weakness of the research on personal information protection and the blank of personal information protection law are not conducive to the protection of the basic rights of our citizens, nor to the development of our economy and its interaction with the global economy. It is gratifying that our country has started the legislative process of personal information protection, and has formed a complete expert legislative proposal. For example, the "draft Model Law on personal Information Protection" chaired by Professor Qi Aimin and the "expert proposal on personal Information Protection Law" by Professor Zhou Hanhua are representatives. There are still many disputes and gaps in the legislation of personal information protection in our country. It can be seen that the study of personal information protection should be strengthened, and the nature, content and protection principles of the legal system of personal information protection should be clarified. Protection mechanism, the formulation of a high-level personal information protection law in line with China's national conditions and in line with international standards is urgent. There are more than 40,000 words in the full text. Three chapters are divided into three chapters to analyze the legislation of personal information protection in China. Firstly, the basic theory of personal information legal system is summarized. Secondly, it briefly introduces the legislation of personal information protection in the United States, Germany and other countries, and analyzes the enlightenment and reference to the legislation of personal information protection in our country. Finally, the author discusses the specific problems of personal information protection legislation from eight aspects systematically and comprehensively, and thinks that our country should speed up the formulation of a personal information protection law, and aim at the legislative model, basic principles. The main body system, the system of personal information right, the legal responsibility of personal information infringement, the personal information protection organization and the legal problems of personal information transnational flow, put forward their own legislative suggestions.
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