本文关键词: 老年法学 老年立法 学科构建 老年法体系 完善 出处:《河北法学》2017年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since China has entered an aging society, it is of great significance to strengthen the study of geriatric jurisprudence, which takes the legal phenomena and its development law in the field of the elderly as the object, including the basic theories of the aged law and the geriatric jurisprudence. The content of specific laws and regulations and comparative research, in order to build a system, the integrity of the subject system of geriatric law. In terms of legislation for the elderly. The relatively advanced old age legislation models in foreign countries can be summed up as separate legislative model and decentralized legislative model, and each has its own characteristics and mutual advantages. China's legislation on the elderly law started early from the historical point of view. However, after the reform and opening up, there was a rapid development, formulated a special law on the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly and made amendments. However, there is still a limited coverage. Lack of scientific nature and can not fully adapt to the needs of the aging population, we need to adjust the legislative thinking, in line with both the current needs and long-term development. And fully draw lessons from the principles of foreign legislative experience, in the old-age insurance, medical insurance for the elderly, social relief for the elderly, the development of the elderly, the prohibition of age discrimination in employment, as well as family support and many other areas of legislation. Formulate complete supporting laws and regulations, and improve the system of laws and regulations for the elderly.
【作者单位】: 河北政法管理干部学院;
【正文快照】: (河北政法管理干部学院,河北石家庄050061)The Primary Exploration on the Subjects Construction of SeniorCitizen Law and the System of Senior Citizen LawXIAO Hui,SUN Wen-sheng(Hebei Management College of Political Science and Law Cadres,Shijiazhuang 050061 C
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