本文选题:凉山彝族 切入点:纠纷解决 出处:《中央民族大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:彝族是一个具有悠久历史和灿烂文化的古老民族,在漫长的岁月中,彝族人民逐步形成了独特的法律文化传统。凉山彝族习惯法源远流长,体系完备,内容详细周全,富有民族特色。运用习惯法调解纠纷,是凉山彝族人民从古至今延续千百年的纠纷解决方式。在凉山彝区,活跃着一种被称作“德古”的特殊群体,他们是家支的头人,是习惯法的熟识者与传播者,也是民间的纠纷调解者,是彝人心目中的“权威”。自从20世纪50年代民主改革起,凉山彝族社会便发生了极具戏剧性的变化,在此过程中,国家权力不断深入到社会的基层,国家法律开始影响人们的生活。但德古的法律功能并未随着习惯法在形式上的废止而终结。改革开放以后,随着政治环境的日益宽松,德古在凉山彝区重新活跃起来,其调解的纠纷数量逐年上升,在彝区的法律生活中仍然占据着重要地位。然而,德古在发挥作用的同时也与国家法律机制产生了不小的矛盾与冲突。因此,在当前凉山彝区现代法治建设过程中,如何对待德古以及怎样处理德古与国家法律体制的关系等问题值得思考和研究。 笔者认为前人对德古已有一定的研究,但尚有拓展的余地。本文主要借助法人类学的基本理论和方法,同时借鉴其他研究进路的成果,在充分重视前人研究的基础上,结合具体的案例,尽力对德古作出较新的认识与阐释,并尽可能的提出自己的解决思路。 本文的探讨主要侧重于两个方面:第一,在法律的视角下,对凉山彝族社会中的各种权威进行简单的分析,在此背景下对德古这一权威的属性、类型及变迁进行探讨。第二,借助大量案例分析德古解决纠纷的具体运作,从动态过程把握德古在解纷中扮演的角色,关注德古与国家法律机制的互动。在现有法律体制下,德古扮演了较为特殊的身份,一方面是作为传统解决纠纷的方式在当地发挥作用,同时,也被纳入正式的国家法律体制,扮演中介角色,缓冲纠纷。如何在不同的角色的拉锯中保持平衡,维护德古自身的特点,并发挥着积极的作用,是本文关注的重要方面,在此基础上预测其未来的基本发展趋势,进而提出“未雨绸缪”之策。 笔者认为,历史上,德古曾经为维护凉山彝族社会的秩序做出了重要贡献,而在今天,他们还在彝区的法律生活乃至法治建设中起着重要的作用。对于德古而言,其从来不是停滞和僵硬的,在现代化文化和国家法制的冲击和影响下,德古也在摒弃和改造的过程中重构着自身,同时又在实践的过程中不断注入新的内容,在“扬弃”中获得了发展。德古现象是古老的也许也是未来的。在今后彝区的法治建设中,在多元权威的格局下,无论从功能、文化或是效益的角度,德古都应当得到善待、引导并发挥积极的作用。德古不仅不是彝区法制现代化进程的阻碍,相反,通过在司法层面上建立和完善合理的沟通机制,德古必将成为彝区法治建设可资利用的宝贵资源。
[Abstract]:Yi is an ancient nation with a long history and splendid culture, in the long years, people gradually formed a unique cultural tradition of law. Liangshan Yi long history of customary law, the system is complete, thorough and detailed, full of national characteristics. The use of customary law dispute mediation, Liangshan Yi people has lasted for thousands of years the way to solve the dispute. In the Liangshan Yi area, active in a special group called "degu", they are a leader, is familiar with customary law, is also a civil dispute mediator, is Yi in the eyes of the "authority". Since the democratic reform in 1950s, Liangshan Yi society there were very dramatic changes. In this process, the state power deeply into the grass-roots society, state laws affect people's lives. But the law can not work with the degu The customary law abolished in the form of the end. After the reform and opening up, with more liberal political environment, in ancient Liangshan Yi area re active, the number of disputes increased year by year, the law of life in the Yi area still occupies an important position. However, in ancient play a role at the same time with the national laws the mechanism has no small contradiction and conflict. Therefore, in the process of the construction of the modern rule of law in Liangshan Yi region, how to treat the degu and how to deal with the national law system should relations and other issues worth thinking and research.
I think the previous some research on the existing products, but there is room for expansion. This paper mainly uses the basic theory and method of anthropology, and learn from other research results in full attention on the basis of previous studies, combined with the specific case, try to make a new understanding and interpretation of ancient virtue, and as far as possible solve some of their own ideas.
This paper mainly focuses on two aspects: first, in the legal perspective, a simple analysis of the various authorities in Liangshan Yi society, the authority of the attributes of the degu under this background, type and change are discussed. Second, the specific operation with a large number of ancient German case analysis to resolve disputes, should grasp play in the role of dispute resolution from the dynamic process of interaction, attention degu and national legal mechanisms. In the existing legal system, should play a more special identity, one is as a traditional way to resolve disputes play a role in the local at the same time, has also been incorporated into the formal national legal system, plays a mediating role, buffer disputes. How to keep a balance between different roles in their own characteristics of tug, should maintain, and play a positive role, is an important aspect of this concern, on the basis of the prediction of its future The basic trend of development, and then put forward the policy of "taking precautions against a rainy day".
The author believes that the history of degu once social order of Liangshan Yi has made important contributions, and today, plays an important role in the construction of law and the rule of law. They are the Yi area for the degu, is never stagnant and stiff, in the modern culture and the national legal system and the impact of under the influence of degu in the process of abandon and transformation to reconstruct itself at the same time in the process of practice continue to inject new content, gained in the development of "aufheben". The phenomenon is perhaps the oldest national future. In the future the Yi area in the construction of rule of law, in the multivariate pattern of authority. In terms of function, culture or benefit angle, should should be friendly, and play an active role. Not only is the Yi area should hinder the modernization of legal system, on the contrary, through the establishment and improvement of cooperation in the judicial level The communication mechanism, will become a valuable resource for national legal construction using the Yi area.
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