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  本文选题:刑事诉讼立法 切入点:南京国民政府 出处:《中国青年政治学院》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:南京国民政府所制定《中华民国刑事诉讼法》,是中国近代刑事诉讼改革的集大成者,也是清末刑事诉讼改革以来的一座里程碑。本文以《中华民国刑事诉讼法》为研究对象,考察南京国民政府时期刑事诉讼立法,并在此基础上解读其诉讼制度与内容所反映价值理念,分析《中华民国刑事诉讼法》之得与失,评价其历史地位,揭示民国时期诉讼法制建设的实践意义。 本文分为四个部分,约31000字: 第一部分:《中华民国刑事诉讼法》的背景。本部分主要回顾了中国刑事诉讼近现代化的进程,近代刑事诉讼法学理论的引进与建立,明治维新后的近代日本对中国刑事诉讼的影响,《刑事诉讼律草案》对民国刑事诉讼的影响,以及民国前期一些刑事诉讼法律文本的提出。 第二部分:《中华民国刑事诉讼法》制定过程与编章体例结构之概述。《中华民国刑事诉讼法》1928年与1935年两个新旧版本的立法过程以及篇章体例结构,并由此总结南京国民政府刑事诉讼法典的特点。 第三部分:《中华民国刑事诉讼法》的刑事诉讼制度与价值理念。本部分主要探讨了南京国民政府时期最重要的超越前代的一些刑事诉讼制度,包括弹劾式与抗辩式的刑事诉讼模式与纠问主义色彩,四级三审制度向三级三审终审制的理性选择,检警一体化与检察官强制处分权,羁押期限的明确化,刑事诉讼之确定力,国家追诉主义与公设辩护主义,犯罪嫌疑人人权保障与审判救济等。 第四部分:《中华民国刑事诉讼法》的历史地位评述。反思实施过程中的缺陷,评述发展结局与历史地位,并总结出对当前刑事司法改革借鉴。
[Abstract]:The Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China, formulated by the Nanjing National Government, is the epitome of the reform of criminal proceedings in modern China and a milestone since the reform of criminal proceedings in the late Qing Dynasty.Taking the Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China as the object of study, this paper investigates the legislation of criminal procedure during the period of Nanjing National Government, and on this basis interprets the value concept reflected in its litigation system and content.This paper analyzes the gains and losses of the Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China, evaluates its historical status, and reveals the practical significance of the legal construction of litigation in the period of the Republic of China.This article is divided into four parts, about 31000 words:The first part: the background of the Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China.This part mainly reviews the process of nearly modernization of criminal procedure in China, the introduction and establishment of modern criminal procedural law theory.The influence of modern Japan on China's criminal proceedings after the Meiji Restoration, the influence of the draft of the Criminal procedure Law on the criminal proceedings of the Republic of China, and the legal texts of some criminal proceedings in the early period of the Republic of China were put forward.The second part: an overview of the process of making up the Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China and the structure of the style of making a seal. The legislative process and the text structure of the two new and old versions of the Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China in 1928 and 1935.And this summarizes the characteristics of the Nanjing National Government Criminal procedure Code.The third part: the Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China.This part mainly discusses some of the most important criminal litigation systems in the period of Nanjing National Government, including impeachment and adversarial modes of criminal proceedings and the color of inquisitarianism.The rational choice from the third instance system to the third instance system, the integration of procurator and police, the power of compulsory punishment, the definitude of detention period, the determination of criminal procedure, the doctrine of state prosecution and the doctrine of public defender.Criminal suspects human rights protection and trial relief and so on.The fourth part: the historical status of the Criminal procedure Law of the Republic of China.To reflect on the defects in the process of implementation, to comment on the development outcome and historical status, and to sum up the current criminal justice reform.


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