发布时间:2018-05-17 13:22
本文选题:战时 + 重庆 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:本文以战时首都重庆的民事审判制度及其实践为样本,探讨抗日战争时期大后方民事审判的实然状态,并对其战时的社会功能和意义进行评析。 1937—1945年,大半个中国变成战场,战争导致战区正常的民事司法秩序基本陷入停顿。而远离战线的大后方,社会环境相对稳定,国民政府的民事法律基本能够得到正常运行。但民事审判不管是在法律依据的制度层面还是审判实践方面都因战争而发生了一定变化。抗战大后方,泛指远离抗日战争前线的以四川为中心,以西南其他省为重点的,我国西南部和西北地区。若就在抗战中的地位和作用而言,西南重镇重庆作为国家战时首都,是中国抗战的大本营、世界反法西斯战争东方战场统帅部所在地,全国政治、军事、经济、文化及外交中枢,战略大后方的中心。重庆可谓战时中国大后方的一个缩影,堪为抗战大后方研究最典型的“样板”。对于战时司法的研究,主要是在抗日战争期间有一些理论成果,而专门就战时的民事审判进行研究,目前学界还几乎没有相关的学术成果。因而,对于“非常时期”的国家民事审判的研究具有较为重要的理论和实践价值。本文的创新主要在于:第一,选题比较新颖,目前还没有专门对抗日战争时期民事审判的研究成果;第二,使用了大量的、抗日战争爆发期间的、重庆的民事诉讼档案,可以真实展现大后方民事审判的实践;第三,结合史学和社会学的研究方法,在梳理民国民事审判制度的发展脉络的同时,将民事审判制度置于整个历史发展背景中,总结战时大后方的民事审判特点和价值。 全文分为四个部分,第一部分是抗战大后方的核心重庆民事审判运行环境的变化,包括适应战争形势的政治生态、经济关系和社会生活诸方面的变化。第二部分是战时民事审判的法律依据。第三部分是从民事审判程序和实体两个角度真实展现战时民事审判的实践,分析其程序上的变化以及与战争密切相关的案例,包括典权回赎、房屋租赁以及管制物品买卖的案件等。第四部分是对战时民事审判的特点、大后方民事审判的社会意义做评析。 本文共有五章。 第一章描述抗战时期重庆的民事审判运行环境。国民政府迁渝后,权力更加集中,形成为党政军一体化的政府;经济基础为管制经济,对于战略物资和有关民生的一些物资实行统管,进行严格控制;物资短缺,通货膨胀加剧,物价飞涨,人民生活困苦;在陪都重庆的司法机构包括司法院、最高法院,以及四川高等法院第一分院、重庆地方法院。为了简化诉讼程序,司法行政部还在重庆进行了试验地方法院的改革,建立璧山和重庆实验地方法院。 第二章阐述战时民事审判的法律依据。战时大后方包括重庆的民事审判基本都是在《中华民国民法》以及《中华民国民事诉讼法》的框架内进行的,其审判所依据的基本原则和内容都较之平时没有发生较大变化。但为了应对战时的特殊需要,国家也颁布了一些战时特别法,包括《非常时期民事诉讼补充条例》——有关战时适用特别的民事审判程序的法律,也包括《非常时期重庆市土地买卖租赁暂行办法》、《非常时期重庆市房屋租赁暂行办法》等对《中华民国民法》有所变通的关于实体权利的民事法律。 第三章利用重庆档案馆馆藏司法档案真实展现了战时首都重庆的民事审判程序。为了迅速解决民事纠纷,减少民众“讼累”,国民政府突破法律的文本“最高法院唯一”的规定,增设最高法院分院;简化民事诉讼程序,加强法官职权推动诉讼进行,严格审限,厉行调解及和解。 第四章分析与战争密切相关的几类典型的民事案例。重庆档案馆馆藏民事案卷浩繁,本文的写作无意也无法提供对当时民事审判实践完整、全面的论述和评析,只有选择在战时影响较大,与战争有最大关联性的案例进行分析。在抗战时期的大后方,由于对经济实行统制,物资匮乏,通货膨胀加剧,政治权力高度集中,很多人集中涌入重庆等地,造成房屋、土地资源的紧张等因素对于民事法律关系的影响,在民事审判中都得到了体现。法院如何依据法律处理因此而引起的限制物品买卖、典权回赎权、房屋租赁买卖等问题是本文关注的重点。 当然,制定法本身与法律实践并不必然对立,而且往往是一致的,但是我们总是愿意更多地关注两者可能出现的差异和背离。本文的第三章和第四章也是主要论述了战时民事审判实践与战前,甚至是战时民事法律文本的某些不同或者特别之处。 第五章对抗战大后方民事审判制度与实践进行评价。战时的民事审判在非常时期具有执行国家政策和解决民事纠纷的“双面孔”:既要坚持司法的公平与独立,又要“良好”执行国家政策;既要及时、有效率地解决纠纷,又要维护整个社会生活秩序的稳定。国民政府颁布许多特殊的民事法律,甚至是一些战时的政策,这些规范经过运行,都实现了社会功能,只不过有些达到理想或者满意效果而有一些则是负效果。但是制度层面与民事审判实践的某些脱节,并不能抹煞战时民事审判在中国民事法律制度史中具有重要的影响,甚至是对我们现行的民事法律制度建设的重要启示。 本文采用法律史学和社会学的研究方法。法制史的研究主要是真实反映曾经在历史存在的法律制度的产生、发展和演变状况,往往停留在法律文本本身的研究和解读,忽视反映法律运作的真实状况。法律制度的本身和法律效果在社会中实现的过程,必然受到政治、经济、文化等诸多因素的影响,尤其是审判的法官对于纠纷的“事实”如何选择,以至于最后如何运用法律规定,都会影响到法律的最后效果,所以还要运用社会学的研究方法。本文主要以重庆档案馆馆藏的重庆司法档案为主要依据,在梳理战前及大后方国民政府的民事司法制度变化的基础上,重点关注战时民事审判制度的实际运作情况,着重展现战时国民政府的民事审判具有较强的适应性,能够根据社会的变化,及时调整内容,完善立法,培养法官的专业素养,保障司法独立、公正,最终提高民事审判效率,妥善、迅速解决民事纠纷,真正维护大后方社会秩序的稳定。尽管战时的民事审判有一定的局限性,但其对战后国民政府的民事法律制度发展做出了重要贡献。 本文的不足之处:还需要补充大量的资料,以尽量接近战时民事审判的原貌;还需要在本文的基础上对战时民事审判的变化与战争的关系进行理论提升。另外,战时民事审判对于战后民事法律制度的具体影响仍需要进一步研究。
[Abstract]:This article takes the civil trial system and its practice as samples in the wartime capital of Chongqing , probes into the actual state of the civil trial in the rear of the Anti - Japanese War , and evaluates the social function and significance of the wartime .
In 1937 - 1945 , half of China became the battlefield , and the war led to a halt in the normal civil judicial order in the war zone .
Second , the use of a great deal of civil action files in Chongqing during the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan can truly demonstrate the practice of the civil trial in the rear .
Third , combining the research methods of historiography and sociology , the civil trial system is put in the background of historical development , and the characteristics and value of the civil trial behind the war time are summarized .
The whole text is divided into four parts , the first part is the change of the operation environment of the core Chongqing in the rear of the War of Resistance , including the political ecology , economic relations and social life of the war situation . The second part is the legal basis of the civil trial in wartime . The third part is the case of the civil trial in wartime . The fourth part is to analyze the characteristics of the civil trial in wartime and the social significance of the civil trial in the rear .
There are five chapters in this paper .
The first chapter describes the operation environment of the civil trial in Chongqing during the period of Anti - Japanese War .
The economic foundation is the control of the economy , and the control of strategic materials and some materials related to the livelihood of the people concerned is strictly controlled ;
Shortage of goods , aggravated inflation , soaring prices and poor people ' s lives ;
In order to simplify the procedure , the Ministry of Justice and Administration has carried out the reform of the local courts in Chongqing to set up a local court for the experiment in Chongqing .
The second chapter expounds the legal basis of the civil trial in wartime . The basic principles and contents of the trial in Chongqing include the civil procedure of the Republic of China and the civil procedure law of the Republic of China . However , in order to deal with the special needs of the wartime , the state also promulgated some wartime special laws , including the supplementary regulation of civil action during the extraordinary period , the temporary scheme for the application of special civil judicial procedure in wartime , and the civil law on the entity ' s rights which have changed in the civil law of Chongqing .
Chapter three shows the civil trial procedure in Chongqing of wartime capital by using the judicial file of Chongqing archives library . In order to solve the civil dispute quickly , reduce the people ' s " lawsuit tired " , the national government breaks through the text of the law , the only provisions of the Supreme Court , and adds the Supreme Court Branch ;
Simplify the civil procedure , strengthen the judge ' s authority to promote litigation , strictly limit , and practice mediation and reconciliation .
Chapter four analyzes the typical civil cases closely related to the war . The author ' s writing is not intended to provide a complete and comprehensive discussion and analysis of the civil trial practice .
Of course , the formulation of law itself is not necessarily contradictory to the practice of law , but it is often consistent , but we are always willing to pay more attention to the differences and deviations that both may arise . Chapters 3 and 4 of this paper also mainly discuss some differences or special features of civil trial practice and pre - war , even wartime civil legal texts .
The fifth chapter evaluates the system and practice of the civil trial in the rear of the War of Resistance . During the period of war , the civil trial has the " double faces " for the implementation of the national policy and the settlement of the civil dispute in a very period of time : to insist on the fairness and independence of the judiciary , and to implement the national policy well ;
In order to solve the disputes in a timely and efficient manner , and to safeguard the stability of the whole social life order , many special civil laws , even some wartime policies , have been promulgated by the National Government , which have realized the social function , but some have achieved the ideal or satisfactory results , and some are negative effects . However , some aspects of the system level and the civil trial practice cannot erase the important influence of the civil trial in China in the history of China ' s civil law system , and even the important revelation to the construction of our current civil law system .
The research on the history of legal system is mainly based on the study and interpretation of the historical existence of the legal system , the development and the evolution of the legal system , and the fact that the legal system has a strong adaptability to the civil justice system of the wartime national government .
The weakness of this paper is that a large amount of information is needed to be as close as possible to the original appearance of the civil trial in wartime ;
On the basis of this article , it is also necessary to promote the relationship between the changes of civil trial and war in wartime . In addition , the specific influence of civil trial in wartime on the civil legal system after the war still needs further study .
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