发布时间:2018-05-24 02:38
本文选题:中国 + 安乐死 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:在世界范围内,安乐死是一个备受争议的话题,它是人类社会将目光从“生、优生”投向“死、优死”的产物。虽然安乐死被西方少数国家和地区予以承认,但在其理念传入我国后,也引起了社会各界激烈的争论,尽管如此,我国目前现行的法律对安乐死的态度仍然持保守的态度。笔者就安乐死在我国合法化的研究方面提出一些粗略的看法。 本文从2011年5月16日广州市番禹区孝子助母自杀——邓明建购买农药助母亲李某“安乐死”的具体案例展开对安乐死相关问题的分析: 第一部分在分析安乐死不同定义的基础上,阐述了安乐死理论分类及安乐死的特征:必须是身患绝症、已无治愈可能、濒临死亡的病人,精神和肉体上受到极大痛苦,为减少痛苦并在不触犯其他合法权益的前提下、自愿的让医师以作为或不作为非暴力方式加速其死亡的行为(限制行为能力人的安乐死不适用上述的特征)。接着笔者从法理上分别对安乐死与生命权、安乐死与自由权进行了分析,得出了在没有严重危害社会公众利益、触犯国家法律的前提下,公民对自己的生命权有一定的支配和处置权。 第二部分在回顾了国外安乐死立法进程后着重介绍了在安乐死立法方面具有代表性的国家:荷兰、美国、澳大利亚、日本。荷兰于2001年4月10日,荷兰上议院以46票对28票、1票弃权的结果通过了安乐死法案---《根据请求终止生命和帮助自杀(审查程序)法》,该法案的通过使得荷兰成为世界上第一个承认安乐死合法化的国家。1994年美国的俄勒冈州投票通过了《尊严死亡法》,使得该州成为世界上第一个承认安乐死合法化的地方,但就美国的联邦法律来说是不承认安乐死合法化的。澳大利亚是历史上较早在个别区域范围内通过了安乐死立法的国家之一。1983年澳大利亚南澳洲通过了有条件的自然死亡法案,该部法律并未涉及病人以何种方式拒绝医疗救助,而且明确表示不限于书面的方式,可以依口头或者其他沟通的方式。日本是率先以法院判例的形式明确了关于终止生命维持的措施,但至目前为止,日本并未形成有关安乐死合法化的制定法。 文章的第三部分介绍了我国关于安乐死研究的前世今生,得知安乐死这一现象在我国出现并非突兀,也是由史可循的。安乐死运动真正进入普通群众视野并引发社会广泛关注的是1986年陕西汉中的夏素文案(中国第一例安死案)的公开开庭审理。接着笔者从四个小点分析了安乐死在我国立法的可行性和必要性:安乐死符合民众心理需求、安乐死符合社会伦理及人道主义原则、从刑法犯罪本质分析安乐死非犯罪化、安乐死与故意杀人罪相比较。其次在阐述了阻碍我国安乐死立法的一些障碍后提出了关于我国安乐死立法的构想和建议;最后从安乐死适用的对象、原则、执行程序、监督及相应承担的法律责任为着手点具体详尽的阐述了实施安乐死的要件。
[Abstract]:In the world, euthanasia is a controversial topic. It is the product of human society putting the eye from "life, eugenics" into "death and death". Although euthanasia is recognized by a few Western countries and regions, it has also aroused fierce debate in the society after its idea was introduced into China. Nevertheless, our country is currently in force. The law still holds a conservative attitude towards euthanasia. The author puts forward some rough views on the research of euthanasia in legalization in China.
This paper analyzes the related problems of euthanasia from the specific case of Deng Mingjian's purchase of "euthanasia" by Deng Mingjian, who bought a pesticide to help his mother, Li Mou, in May 16, 2011.
The first part, on the basis of the analysis of the different definitions of euthanasia, expounds the classification of euthanasia and the characteristics of euthanasia: it must be an incurable illness, no cure, a dying patient, a mental and physical suffering, to voluntarily be made by a physician in order to reduce pain and without offending other legitimate rights and interests. Or not as a non violent way to speed up its death. (the behavior of the person who restrictive ability is not applicable to the above characteristics). Then, the author analyzes the euthanasia and the right to life, the euthanasia and the right to freedom from the jurisprudence, and draws a conclusion that the citizens are to themselves without serious harm to the public interests and the state law. The right to life has a certain power of control and disposal.
In the second part, after reviewing the legislative process of euthanasia, the second part emphatically introduced the representative countries in euthanasia legislation: Holland, the United States, Australia, Japan. In April 10, 2001, the house of Lords of Holland passed the Euthanasia Act by 46 votes to 28, and 1 abstentions - to terminate life and help suicide according to the request ( The law, which makes Holland the first country in the world to recognize the legalization of euthanasia in the United States of Oregon,.1994, voted the dignity death law, making the state the first place in the world to recognize the legalization of euthanasia, but it does not recognize the legality of euthanasia in the federal law of the United States. Australia was one of the earlier countries that had passed an earlier legislation on euthanasia in a few regions of the country in.1983. Australia passed the conditional natural death bill in southern Australia. The law did not deal with the way the patient refused medical assistance, and clearly indicated that it was not limited to written form, depending on oral or oral ways. In other ways of communication, Japan took the lead in defining the measures to terminate the maintenance of life in the form of court precedents, but so far Japan has not formed a law on the legalization of euthanasia.
The third part of the article introduces the past life of the study of euthanasia in our country. It is found that the phenomenon of euthanasia is not abrupt in our country. It is also based on history. The movement of euthanasia really entered the common field of vision and aroused wide attention of the society in Hanzhoung, Shaanxi in 1986 (the first case of China's death). Then the author analyzes the feasibility and necessity of euthanasia in our country from four small points: euthanasia conforms to the psychological needs of the people, the euthanasia conforms to the social ethics and humanitarianism, analyzes the non crime of euthanasia from the essence of criminal law, and compares the euthanasia with the crime of killings. Secondly, it expounds the hindrance to our country. After some obstacles to euthanasia legislation, this paper puts forward some ideas and suggestions about the legislation of euthanasia in our country; finally, it expounds the important elements of euthanasia in detail from the object of euthanasia, the principle, the execution procedure, the supervision and the corresponding legal responsibility.
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