本文选题:非典型物权担保 + 后让与担保 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Based on the legal analysis of the case of "the dispute between Shenteng Company and Jia Mou Li", this paper tries to explore the specific legal nature of the secured house sale contract on the basis of the legal analysis of the case. This paper includes four chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the development of the case and the trial process. On the basis of the first chapter, the second chapter summarizes the two controversial focuses of the case-the legal nature of the contract for the sale of secured houses and its relationship with the principle of the law of real right. Chapter 3: by citing different cases in practice and in conjunction with the provisions of the Supreme people's Court on certain legal issues applicable to Private loan cases issued in August 2015 (hereinafter referred to as "provisions") No. 24 Article to demonstrate the necessity and urgency of exploring the legal nature of secured sale contracts. After analyzing the significance of writing this paper, the author further analyzes whether the guarantee set up in the contract of sale and purchase of secured houses is the guarantee of real or debt, and points out that it should be the guarantee of property right. By comparing with the typical security interests such as mortgage, pledge and lien, the author points out that the security set up in the contract involved in the case does not belong to any of the legal security interests, but should belong to a kind of atypical interest security other than a legal security right. And then on the basis of the foregoing, to find out which kind of non-typical real right guarantee belongs to, on the basis of comparing various domestic theories and drawing lessons from the successful experiences of Germany, Japan, Italy, and other countries. Put forward one's own point of view-its nature should be characterized as post-concession guarantee, and try to redefine it. The fourth chapter, after determining his own point of view, to explore whether the qualitative nature of the subsequent transfer of security is contrary to the principle of property law, through a series of analysis and argumentation, we can draw the conclusion that the law of property is relaxed. Then it proves that the post-transfer guarantee system has the feasibility of practical operation, and finds the legal basis for the establishment of the post-transferable guarantee system. The conclusion part summarizes the full text, and reiterates that the secured house sale contract in this case belongs to the atypical real right guarantee, and its establishment does not violate the principle of the law of real right.
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