本文选题:法律 + 法律解释 ; 参考:《山东大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:以人为本的法律坚持法律对人性和人之所以为人的本质的尊重,平等地维护和实现每一个人的人格、尊严和价值,它在中国法制现代化进程中扮演着重要角色,对于和谐社会的构建有着不可或缺的作用。 为了追求以人为本的法律,我们在理念上倡导权利本位的法律观,在方法上尝试推行案例指导制度,在主体上主张提高法官的司法能力,在文化上推动法律文化转型。尽管如此,我们在追求以人为本的法律的道路上仍旧面临如下障碍,包括理念的偏差、工具主义的影响、法律及其发展的局限。 法律需要具体的司法实践来体现出它的以人为本的内涵,而司法实践正是通过法律解释活动来体现法律所蕴含的价值观,体现法律在面对现实案件时对一系列价值观的更加具体的选择与确认,其中不容忽视的一项关键性的价值所在就是以人为本。因此,本文认为,在实现法律以人为本的诸多策略中,最现实、最具有可行性的莫过于依托司法过程中的法律解释。 法律通过解释才能体现出以人为本的价值内涵。正是通过法律与事实的相互之间的对应、融合,法官才能更透彻的领会法律条文在面对具体的案件事实的时候是怎么样的态度,这时候对法律作出怎样的内涵解释和价值解释才是最符合法治精神的,作出怎样的解释才能更加符合人性更加有利于人的自由发展。 法官在法律解释过程中运用解释原则维护法律以人为本。在法律解释过程中,法官应当通过坚守法律原则追求个案的正义和法律以人为本,从而把立法所确立的各项价值目标落实到具体的案件中,弥补成文法的不足,避免单单遵循法律条文而引起的不正义。 法律解释的创造性在个案中获取法律以人为本。法官在个案中创造性的解释法律可以使法律得到渐进式的发展,由此避免法律和法律制度的急速变化给社会稳定带来的不良影响,从而实现法律的潜移默化的改良和发展,维护了法律的尊严和稳定,保证了法律以人为本,有助于树立人们对法律的信任和信仰。 规则外的解释使法律重新回归以人为本。法官结合法律以外的其他规则,参考支撑起我们这个社会的方方面面的规则、情感、尤其是人之所以为人的一些重要因素,做出符合常情常理的以人为本的解释,这不是对法律的违反,恰恰是对法律的维护,是对法治进步发展的顺应。 法官只有在法律解释过程中坚持法律效果与社会效果的统一才能保证法律以人为本。法官需要将法律效果与社会效果结合起来,考虑法治的需要,考虑社会大众的需要,使得法律的解释结果体现出以人为本的价值理念,强调法律在调整急速变化的社会关系和社会大众最关心的自身利益关系方面的重要作用。
[Abstract]:People - oriented law adheres to the law ' s respect for human nature and human nature , maintains and realizes each individual ' s personality , dignity and value equally , plays an important role in the process of Chinese legal system modernization , and plays an indispensable role in the construction of harmonious society .
In order to pursue the human - oriented law , we advocate the legal view of the rights standard on the concept , try to promote the judicial capacity of the judge on the subject , and promote the transformation of the legal culture in the culture . Nevertheless , we still face the following obstacles in the pursuit of the people - oriented law , including the deviation of the concept , the influence of instrumentalism , the law and the limitation of its development .
The law requires concrete judicial practice to reflect its human - oriented connotation , and the judicial practice is to reflect the values contained in the law through legal interpretation activities , which embodies the more concrete selection and confirmation of a series of values in the face - to - reality case .
The interpretation of the connotation of the law and the interpretation of the value are the most consistent with the spirit of the rule of law , so how to interpret the connotation and the value interpretation of the law are the most consistent with the spirit of the rule of law .
In the process of legal interpretation , the judge should pursue the justice and the law - oriented principle of the case by upholding the principle of law , so as to put the various value targets established by the legislation into concrete cases , make up for the shortcomings of the statutory law , and avoid injustice caused by the legal provisions .
The creative interpretation of the law can make the law progressive development , thereby avoiding the adverse effects of the rapid changes of the law and the legal system to the social stability , thus realizing the improvement and the development of the legal system , preserving the dignity and stability of the law , ensuring the people - oriented law , and helping to establish people ' s trust and belief in the law .
The interpretation of the rules outside the rules causes the law to return to the people - oriented . The judge , in combination with other rules other than the law , refers to the rules , feelings , especially the reason why the person is a human being , and makes a people - oriented explanation that conforms to the common sense . This is not a violation of the law . It is precisely the maintenance of the law , which is the adaptation to the development of the rule of law .
The judge should insist on the unification of the legal effect and the social effect in the process of legal interpretation . The judge needs to combine the legal effect with the social effect , take into account the need of the rule of law , take into account the needs of the society , make the interpretation result of the law reflect the human - oriented value idea , and emphasize the important role of the law in adjusting the rapidly changing social relations and the interests of the public .
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