[Abstract]:As a mode of law modification, package legislation is characterized by its high efficiency and low cost. Widely used in Europe and the United States. In 2009, the standing Committee of the National people's Congress adopted the decision on amending some laws. For the first time, the package legislation model was applied to the legislative amendments of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress, with a total of 59 laws and 141 articles amended. Initially established the package legislation system. This is the innovation of legislation technology in our country. Through the way of packing and amending the law, the conflict of law can be resolved immediately, and the unity and connection between laws can be ensured. At present, there are still many problems to be solved in China's parcel legislation model. The legislature should standardize the operation procedure of the package legislation, especially provide concrete and feasible ideas for the proposal and deliberation of the bill, and innovate the system of legislative competence. In order to ensure the perfection of the legislative system and effectively promote the implementation of the law, the enforcement effect of the package amendment law is evaluated regularly.
【作者单位】: 山东大学(威海校区)法学院;
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