[Abstract]:At present, our country is in the critical period from a large economic power to an economic power and a large human resource power to a powerful human resource country. Social and economic development requires a large number of highly skilled personnel, especially strong post skills. The goal of higher vocational education is to train tens of thousands of specialized talents who can adapt to production, construction, management and service in the front line. This training goal exactly caters to the development need of modernization construction. The development of hotel industry provides a good development space for higher vocational education of hotel management. Under the situation of rapid economic development, how to construct and apply the "double match" teaching and talent training mode, how to further the production practice of higher vocational education, and how to combine social practice? How to transform the heavy population burden into adequate human resources? How should we reduce the burden of families and society, use their own conditions, timely cultivation of suitable builders and successors? The teaching mode of "double cooperation" in higher vocational education is a teaching mode which uses different teaching resources and teaching environment of the school and industry, and trains applied talents suitable for the industry and the needs of the enterprise as the main purpose. The "double match" teaching mode is an inevitable choice for higher vocational education to adapt to the needs of economic development and to seek the harmonious development of educational resources and social goals.
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