[Abstract]:Legal reasoning is one of the core issues of legal logic and a hot issue in jurisprudence. There are many differences in people's understanding of legal reasoning, the fundamental reason is that people have different understanding of two basic concepts of law and reasoning, and law and reasoning are divided into narrow sense and broad sense as well as form and substance. It is the controversial nature of these basic concepts that leads to the complexity of the study of legal reasoning. The first part discusses three basic concepts of inquiry reasoning, law and legal reasoning, especially the ontological significance of law from the perspective of historical process. On the basis of analyzing the meaning of reasoning and legal ontology, the essential characteristics of legal reasoning are recognized, and then the classification of legal reasoning is carried out. The second part discusses the characteristics, scope and significance of formal legal reasoning. The third part discusses the characteristics, scope of application and comments of substantive legal reasoning, and compares formal legal reasoning with substantive legal reasoning in judicial practice. This paper holds that the understanding of legal reasoning depends on the understanding of ontology of two basic concepts of law and reasoning. The dichotomy of formal legal reasoning and substantive legal reasoning roughly embodies the dual characteristics of certainty and uncertainty of legal reasoning. The characteristics and scope of application of the two kinds of legal reasoning are studied from the perspective of methodology. The relationship between the two forms of legal reasoning is the unity of opposites, and there is no clear boundary between the two kinds of legal reasoning. It is advocated to dilute the boundary between the two kinds of legal reasoning. In the case of clear meaning of these two concepts, it is in favor of constructing the legal reasoning system by taking "formal legal reasoning as the main factor, substantive legal reasoning as auxiliary".
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