[Abstract]:The promulgation of the Great fresh Criminal Law is the beginning of modern Chinese criminal law. The principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime is stipulated, which also highlights its advanced nature. The introduction of the principle of legality of crime is a historic turning point in the history of the development of criminal law in China. It plays an important role in the development of Chinese criminal law, so it is of great significance to study the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime in the Great fresh Criminal Law. To China, the principle of legality is an import. It is a legal principle completely introduced from the West, which did not exist in our country before. Therefore, this paper firstly studies the origin of the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime, introduces its origin, meaning, ideological basis, and its development and evolution process. And further discussed the difference between the doctrine of legality and the principle of legality. In ancient China, the monarch was the supreme authority, and he had all kinds of rights. It is impossible to raise the legality doctrine of restricting power into a kind of legal principle. In the ancient society of our country, there is only the ideological level of the legality of the crime and there is not the principle of the legality of the crime. The principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime was introduced into China under this background. Firstly, the social and economic structure was changed by the invasion of western powers in the late Qing Dynasty, and the western powers brought in the western legal ideas while plundering the economy. Secondly, the Qing government carried out some legal reforms in order to protect itself, and some jurists with advanced ideas also played a certain role in promoting the introduction of the principle of legality. The core content of this paper is the problems existing in the legislative embodiment and introduction of the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime. This paper mainly analyzes the legal provisions of the new criminal law which embody the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime from seven aspects, and discusses the meaning of these provisions and how to embody the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime. The principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime is established on the basis of drawing lessons from western law, so there are many problems in the establishment of the new criminal law. The introduction of the principal principle of legality has a profound influence. First of all, from the ideological level, it advocated the equality, freedom, human rights and other advanced ideas on the ancient Chinese society, the traditional monarchy, the thought of rule of man has a great impact. Secondly, from the system level, the Criminal Law of Great freshness clearly stipulates the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime in the general principles and removes "adjunct invocation", which is a powerful blow to the deep-rooted "adjunct invocation" rule in feudal society. Finally, it is the influence of the introduction of the principle of legality on the criminal legislation of the Republic of China. During the period of the Beiyang Government and the National Government, the criminal legislation of the Great freshening Criminal Law was followed in accordance with the provisions of the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime in the period of the Beiyang Government and the National Government. It embodies the function of this principle in criminal law. This shows that the introduction of the principle of legality in the new criminal law has a profound impact on the criminal law of later generations and is of great significance, and fully reflects its advanced nature. The establishment of the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime in the Great New Criminal Law is the most important step in the history of the development of Chinese criminal law. Its introduction opened the prologue of the modernization of criminal law.
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