[Abstract]:Postmodern law and so on denied the objectivity and certainty of the legal meaning, and thought that the legal entry into the thinking process would lead to the flow of meaning, uncertainty, fuzziness, etc. According to this inference, according to the legal thinking, it was impossible to think about it. There are defects in the premise of rule of law thinking. However, postmodern law and so on did not put forward corresponding countermeasures after pointing out the "defects" of the law, and it was not clear that the truth revealed by them was only a side of the implementation of the law. Although the disclosure of the truth is of positive significance to the study of law, how to seek relief on the basis of understanding these problems is of theoretical and practical value. Post-modern law and so on did not see, the use of legal methods can make the flow of law temporarily stop to become certain, vague law becomes clear. The legal method can not only prove the possibility of the rule of law, but also repair the premise of the thought of rule by law by using logical reasoning and other methods such as explanation and argumentative rhetoric. In the construction of rule of law, we should take logical rules as a part of legal thinking, thus solidify the significance of law, restrict the creation of legal people in the process of discovery and interpretation of law, and limit the creation of legal person in the process of discovery and interpretation of law. By using the law as rhetoric to reform the traditional thinking of politics and law, people's judgment and decision-making are closer to the ideal of rule of law.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学法律学院;
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