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发布时间:2019-04-02 04:32
[Abstract]:Yu Hangzhi County Liu Xitong a violation of the rule of law, abuse of ill-treatment of pakchoi resulted in grievances. The traditional judicial mechanism is one of its "abnormal" reasons, but it should not be completely negated the rationality behind the long-term existence of this mechanism because of a wrong case. The traditional trial mechanism can be interpreted as "the background concept and the facts of the case, the coupling mechanism of judgment and judgment", which is based on the adherence of the Chinese culture to the "Tao". The three roles of the chief reviewer and the supernatural disparity, the proclamation of the legitimacy of the regime and the individual existence of the pursuit of self-achievement, are consistent with the "truth". Legal norms, which are based on "legal principle", can provide legitimacy and specific guidance for trial. However, the differences between legal principle and principle, reason, ethics, physics, and so on, are different from each other. It is instructive to dissolve the situation of law and emotion in judicial practice today, and to find that it is difficult to reconcile with each other in the traditional trial in order to fit in with the truth in order to fit in with each other in the traditional trial.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;清华大学;


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