本文选题:土地流转 + 民主法制教育 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:我国作为一个农业大国,“三农”问题始终关系着党和国家现代化建设事业发展的进程,而“三农”问题的解决主要是解决农民的问题。然而我国农民的问题实质就是土地的问题,土地作为农业发展最基本的生产资料,既是农民生活得到保障最基本的条件而又更是促进社会稳定和谐发展的前提和基础。 基于我国人多地少且耕地面积的占有量少的基本国情,我们要想解决好农村土地的问题,就必须走中国特色现代化农业的道路,对当前的土地制度进行完善并对土地流转市场的机制加以优化,扩大农村土地流转的规模,加快农村土地高效、合理、有序的流转。 本文根据党的十一届三中全会、十七届三中全会的精神和当前农村土地流转的现状,从社会主义制度下土地流转的由来和制度构建出发,从社会主义民主法制教育的视角分析我国当前农村土地流转过程中存在的一些问题,阐述当前在我国农村土地流转过程中开展社会主义民主法制教育的重大意义,并提出笔者对如何完善我国农村土地流转过程中民主法制教育问题的若干思考。笔者深信,本课题研究,对于解决当前我国农村社会土地流转过程中问题有着重大的现实意义;对于提高农民收入和发展农村经济,维护农村社会的稳定,促进农村社会和谐也有着重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:As a big agricultural country, the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers are always related to the process of the modernization of the Party and the country, and the solution to the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is mainly to solve the problems of peasants. However, the problem of peasants in our country is actually the question of land. As the most basic means of production for agricultural development, land is not only the most basic condition for farmers' life to be guaranteed, but also the premise and foundation for promoting the stable and harmonious development of society. Based on the basic national conditions of our country with a large population and a small amount of arable land, if we want to solve the problem of rural land, we must take the road of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics. To perfect the current land system and optimize the market mechanism of land circulation, expand the scale of rural land circulation, and accelerate the efficient, rational and orderly circulation of rural land. According to the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 11th CPC Central Committee and the third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and the current situation of rural land circulation, this paper proceeds from the origin and system construction of land circulation under the socialist system. From the angle of view of socialist democratic and legal education, this paper analyzes some problems existing in the process of rural land circulation in China, and expounds the great significance of carrying out socialist democratic legal education in the process of rural land circulation in our country. The author also puts forward some thoughts on how to perfect the education of democracy and legal system in the process of rural land circulation. The author is convinced that this research is of great practical significance to solve the problems in the process of land circulation in rural society in China, to raise farmers' income and develop rural economy, and to maintain the stability of rural society. Promoting rural social harmony also has important practical significance.
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