[Abstract]:Although the judicial interpretation of the two ecological environment cases of the Supreme people's Court stipulates that the plaintiff may file a corresponding request for ecological environment restoration, the request is not specified in detail. According to the characteristics of ecological environment restoration, the repair ability of the responsible person and the requirement of litigation efficiency, the request can be classified as repair behavior request and repair cost request. Because the repair process can be carried out in stages, the request is prone to deteriorate in the process of litigation, and our country adopts part of the request negation theory, allowing the plaintiff to file different requests has some obstacles. Therefore, only by starting from the substantive requirements of dispute resolution, allowing the parties to file part of the request and avoiding the secondary dispute as far as possible, can the plaintiff correctly raise the request for repair behavior or the request for expenses.
【作者单位】: 湖南工业大学法学院;
【基金】:教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目“生态环境的公益诉讼机制研究”(12JZD037) 国家社科基金重点项目“中国特色环境公益诉讼理论与制度研究”(14AF023)
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