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发布时间:2018-04-05 07:52

  本文选题:干股 切入点:股东权利 出处:《山西大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:干股在公司法上应指在公司的创设过程中或者存续过程中,设立人或者公司的股东依照协议无偿赠予非股东的第三人的股份。干股的大量存在有其合理性和必要性。然而,我国立法上缺乏干股方面的具体规范,实践中对干股存在多种不同的理解和处理方法,没有形成统一的认识,法律制度和司法实践已经脱离了社会需求。在现代公司资本制度的不断渗透下,我国公司法应对公司股份相关制度再进行必要的完善,既要考虑公司资本的偿债功能,更要虑及公司资本的经营功能。因此,应该承认干股的合法性,同时对其进行法律上的明晰和规制。本文主要内容包括四个部分: 第一部分“干股概述”。检讨当下学界对于干股概念的多种理解,辨析与干股容易混淆的挂名股东、隐名股东、傀儡股东等几个特殊股份的含义,并给出了本文对于干股的定义和研究范围。明确将干股定义为:“在公司的创设过程中或者存续过程中,设立人或者公司的股东依照协议无偿赠予但其本身未按照有关法律规定实际出资或者出很少的资而持有的股份。”。 第二部分“干股取得的法律规制”。从干股存在的合法性和合理性因素出手,分析干股取得的公司法理论基础,论证干股取得的合法要件为:赠与协议和他人代为出资,并区分了了劳务出资和干股取得之间的关系。同时,将实践中的干股取得归纳概括分为两种类型:赠与和公司回购。此外,在现实的经济活动中为了权力寻租,一些手中拥有权力的国家公务人员利用职权的便利,掌控公司资源,这样形式存在的干股游走于法律边缘,产生了投机的因素,亟需法律的调整。 第三部分“干股股东的权利义务内容”。综述干股股东作为一种区别于普通股东在股东的权利义务内容方面的特点,并着重对干股股东的投票权、分红权从现行的公司法理论和实践中加以分析。同时,分析了干股权利转让限制方面的合理性和理论基础。 第四部分:“干股的立法完善”。针对目前干股立法和现实的脱节,提出应明晰干股的法律性质,在干股的转让继承方面可以适当地给予任意性规定的空间,以及对于股票回购型干股认识的深化,在三个方面力图理论上有细微的创新并对公司法的完善有所裨益。
[Abstract]:In company law, dry shares should refer to the shares of the founder or shareholders of the company to a third person who is not a shareholder in accordance with the agreement in the course of the establishment or the survival of the company.The existence of a large number of dry stocks has its rationality and necessity.However, the legislation of our country is short of specific norms in the aspect of dry stock, and there are many different understanding and treatment methods of dry stock in practice, which has not formed a unified understanding, and the legal system and judicial practice have been divorced from the needs of the society.Under the continuous penetration of the modern company capital system, the company law of our country should carry on the necessary consummation of the company share related system again, not only should consider the debt service function of the company capital, but also must consider the management function of the company capital.Therefore, the legitimacy of dry shares should be recognized, and its legal clarity and regulation.The main contents of this paper include four parts:The first part is an overview of dry stocks.This paper reviews the various understandings of the concept of dry stock in academic circles, and analyzes the meanings of several special shares, such as registered shareholders, dormant shareholders, puppet shareholders and so on, which are easily confused with dry shares, and gives the definition and research scope of dry shares in this paper.Clearly define dry shares as: "in the course of the creation or survival of a company,Shares held by the founder or the shareholders of the company free of charge in accordance with the agreement but not actually contributed or made with little capital in accordance with the provisions of the relevant law... ".The second part is the legal regulation of dry stock acquisition.From the legal and reasonable factors of the existence of dry shares, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis of the company law obtained by dry shares, and proves that the legal requirements for obtaining dry shares are: gift agreement and other people's contribution.And has distinguished the labor service capital contribution and the dry stock obtains between the relations.At the same time, the dry shares in practice are summarized into two types: gift and company repurchase.In addition, in real economic activities, in order to seek rent for power, some state public servants who have power in their hands take advantage of their power to take advantage of their power and control the company's resources. As a result, the existing dry stocks in this form are on the edge of the law, resulting in speculative factors.The law is in urgent need of adjustment.The third part is the content of rights and obligations of dry shareholders.This paper summarizes the characteristics of dry shareholders, which are different from ordinary shareholders in the content of shareholders' rights and obligations, and analyzes emphatically the voting rights and dividend rights of dry shareholders from the current theory and practice of company law.At the same time, it analyzes the rationality and theoretical basis of the restriction on the transfer of dry shares.The fourth part: the legislative perfection of dry stock.In view of the disconnection between the legislation of dry shares and the reality at present, this paper puts forward that the legal nature of dry shares should be clarified, the space for arbitrary stipulation in the transfer and inheritance of dry shares should be properly given, and the deepening of understanding of stock repurchase dry shares should be made.In three aspects, it tries to have subtle innovation in theory and is beneficial to the perfection of company law.


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