本文选题:公司僵局 + 非诉讼制度 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The problem of corporate deadlock is very likely to occur in the process of corporate operation, especially for limited liability companies, because of its closed and human nature is more and more easy to appear. Once the company is stuck, like a computer crash, any operation is meaningless. It not only leads to the loss of the company, but also damages the interests of creditors and society. In order to break the corporate deadlock in time and reduce the harm brought by the deadlock, this paper puts forward the non-litigation relief system to solve the corporate deadlock. The article is divided into four parts: the first part introduces the general performance of corporate deadlock through the case of "Calais deadlock", through the study of experts and scholars at home and abroad on the concept of corporate deadlock, the author expounds the definition of corporate deadlock. The article then describes the characteristics, classification and causes of corporate deadlock. The author thinks that there are various reasons for the deadlock of the company, the main reasons can be summarized as follows: the difference of shareholders' interests is the fundamental factor, and the democratic decision-making system of the company is the basic factor. Capital maintenance system and closure are inherent factors. The second part is to study the necessity of non-litigation relief system, which is divided into two aspects: the first is the defects of judicial relief. The lack of alternative relief means, the high cost of litigation dissolution and the destruction of shareholders'"original intention", the other is that non-litigation relief system has advantages, low cost, strong adaptability, and non-litigation relief has autonomy, flexible and diverse ways. A solution to the deadlock. The third part demonstrates the feasibility of non-litigation relief system, and points out that non-litigation relief is based on law, such as Article 182 of Company Law, Article 5 of Company Law interpretation (2), etc. The article then expounds that the non-litigation relief system has a strong cultural origin and a wide social practice foundation, which is feasible and feasible. The fourth part focuses on the non-litigation settlement mechanism to break the deadlock of the company. The first mechanism is the intervention of third parties and the first is mediation. This paper focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of mediation, and puts forward the establishment of industry mediation committee and the establishment of judicial confirmation system to solve the problem of lack of compulsory power in non-litigation system. The other is arbitration, which is applicable to the settlement of corporate deadlock because of its high efficiency, authority and confidentiality. Because mediation and arbitration have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they complement each other, if they are combined, they can produce more benefits, so the second kind of solution mechanism-compound solution, that is, the organic combination of arbitration and mediation is produced. The third kind of settlement mechanism respects and obeys the autonomy of the meaning of the articles of association, and uses the articles of association to carry on the advance prevention and the afterwards relief. Articles of association have constitutional status in the company must make the corresponding norm to prevent and deal with the deadlock of the company.
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