本文选题:劳动力市场 切入点:灵活性 出处:《法学研究》2017年02期
[Abstract]:Flexibility in the labour market involves rules such as dismissal protection, contract changes, working hours, wages, and so on.The labor market flexibility is not enough, especially the strict protection of dismissal, from the legal texts of labor contract law of our country and the horizontal comparison of different countries.However, the labor market of our country is very complex, some rules of labor contract are flexible, the real labor market of migrant workers is extremely flexible, and the social security mechanism such as unemployment insurance is still not perfect in our country.The level of labor administration law enforcement and the function of labor union are still weak, therefore, the labor market of our country also has the problem of insufficient security.Therefore, on the one hand, the labor contract law should be revised to improve the flexibility of labor market moderately, on the other hand, the flexibility should not be excessively improved, and the relationship between flexibility and security should be balanced.To amend the labor contract law, we should adhere to the legislative idea and basic principles established by the law, which not only protect the workers in preference, but also give consideration to the reasonable demands of the enterprises so as to make the rules more flexible.The labor contract law should focus on revising the rules concerning fixed term contract and non fixed term contract, conditions and procedures of termination of labor contract, economic compensation, change of labor contract and so on, and apply differential treatment to small and micro enterprises and special employees.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院法学研究所;
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