本文选题:情事变更 + 类型化 ; 参考:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:依据学理和法律的规定,情事变更是指:在合同成立后,履行完毕前,发生了当事人订立合同时不可能预见或难以预见的客观情事,并且由于这些客观情事的出现严重损害了合同成立的基础或环境,导致合同当事人之间的利益严重失衡,为了追求公平正义,允许当事人对合同进行调整或解除。情事变更从开始的提出到抛弃再到接受,其发展过程相当曲折,现如今已被许多国家接受,只不过是称谓不一样而已。 我国《合同法》并没有规定情事变更,但在法律实务中却出现了依据情事变更判决的情形。为了弥合立法和现实的缺陷、追求实质正义,最高人民法院在2010年出台的《合同法司法解释二》中规定了情事变更,为其适用提供了法律支持。本文拟通过对我国已有关于情事变更的案例进行归类,分析出情事变更的具体适用。 由于社会的多变性、复杂性,不可能对情事变更的类型进行完全例举,本文主要通过分析已有案例。首先结合我国已有关于情事变更的案例,总结出情事的主要种类,说明类型化的相关知识。其次讲诉我国有关情事变更的理论基础、情事变更的立法进程、情事变更在司法实务中的应用。再次区分情事变更与商业风险、不可抗力的区别,以便正确适用情事变更。最后以案例为蓝本进行类型化分析,主要阐明以利润值作为非商业风险引发价格变动作为显失公平的标准并声明价格不变条款不得排除情事变更的适用、政策性违约的特征、一般社会标准认定不可抗事件以及情事变更的其他情形。
[Abstract]:According to the provisions of theory and law, a change of circumstances refers to an objective situation which, after the establishment of a contract and before the completion of its performance, occurs when the parties conclude the contract which is impossible to foresee or difficult to foresee, And because these objective events seriously damage the foundation or environment of contract formation, lead to the serious imbalance between the interests of the parties to the contract, in order to pursue fairness and justice, allow the parties to adjust or rescind the contract. From the beginning to the abandonment and then to the acceptance, the development process of the situation change is rather tortuous. Now it has been accepted by many countries, it is just a different title. The contract Law of our country does not stipulate the change of circumstances. However, in the practice of law, there appears the situation of changing the judgment according to the circumstances. In order to bridge the defects of legislation and reality and pursue substantive justice, the Supreme people's Court stipulated the change of circumstances in the Judicial interpretation of contract Law in 2010, which provided legal support for its application. In this paper, by classifying the existing cases of situation change in our country, the author analyzes the specific application of the change of circumstance. Because of the social variability and complexity, it is impossible to give a complete example of the type of change of circumstance. This paper mainly through the analysis of existing cases. Firstly, the main types of events are summarized and the relevant knowledge of typology is explained by combining the existing cases of situation change in our country. Secondly, the theoretical basis, legislative process, and the application of the change of events in judicial practice in China are discussed. Again distinguish between change of event and commercial risk, force majeure in order to apply the change of circumstance correctly. Finally, taking the case as the model text, the paper makes a typological analysis, mainly clarifies that the profit value is regarded as the standard of price change caused by non-commercial risk, and declares that the price invariant clause can not exclude the application of the circumstance change, and the characteristics of policy breach of contract. The general social standard recognizes the irresistible event as well as other circumstances in which the circumstances change.
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