[Abstract]:The right of stoppage of sea transportation means that, in the execution of a contract of sale and purchase, when the buyer who has not actually possessed the goods may lose his capacity to pay or express that he will not perform his obligation to pay, before the buyer actually takes possession of the goods, The seller who has not received the purchase price has the right to claim to the carrier the suspension of the carriage and the repossession of the goods. The right of stoppage was first stipulated by the law of Anglo-American law countries. Through the continuous development, a relatively complete system of stoppage rights has been formed in Anglo-American law countries. In contrast, the relevant theoretical research and legislative work in China started relatively late, and there is a lack of perfect legal regulation in the process of maritime transportation practice, even facing the dilemma that can not be relied upon. Even after the promulgation of China's contract Law, only Article 308 of the Law makes similar provisions on the relevant contents of the right of stoppage, but since the law does not fully take into account the particularity of maritime practice, It leads to poor maneuverability in the practice of maritime transportation, and to some extent brings more contradictions and dilemmas to the practice of maritime transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the system of the right of stoppage in order to provide some useful suggestions for the legislation of the right of stoppage and the development of China's shipping industry. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the concept and origin of the right of stoppage; the second chapter mainly discusses the legal nature of the right of stoppage; the third chapter mainly introduces the exercise and loss of the right of stoppage in the United States and the United States. Chapter four mainly introduces the relevant provisions of the right of stoppage under the Rotterdam rules, and the fifth chapter mainly discusses the legislative status and existing problems of the system of the right of stoppage in China. And put forward the suggestion of perfecting the system of stoppage right of sea transportation in our country. Through the above research, we can get the following conclusions: 1. Through multi-angle analysis of the legal nature of the right of stoppage of sea transportation, it is concluded that the right of stoppage is a kind of legal relief right, but its specific legal nature should be further discussed; 2. The provisions of Article 308 of the contract Law of our country fill the blank of the legislation of the right of stoppage to some extent, but because of its "unfamiliar" to the practice of maritime transportation, it brings a dilemma to the carrier in the marine transportation, and must be handled with caution; 3. The author suggests that the legislation of the right of stoppage of sea transportation in our country should choose the legislative model of general law and special law, that is, the relevant contents of the right of stoppage should be added to the maritime law.
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