[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the expansion of commercial practice, the demand for capital is increasing. The smooth circulation of creditor's rights can make its expected interest turn into realistic value, thus satisfy the creditor's demand for funds in economic activities, thus ensuring the smooth circulation of creditor's rights becomes the urgent demand of creditors. To ensure the smooth flow of creditor's rights, the key lies in the full protection of the transferee. If the transferee can not be fully protected and the transferee's security status is difficult to be effectively protected, then any reasonable potential transferee is unwilling and dare not accept the assignment of creditor's rights. The system of assignment of creditor's rights in our country starts late, and there are many defects in the protection of transferee's interests, so it is difficult to meet the need of smooth circulation of creditor's rights. Therefore, it is very important to perfect the protection of the transferee's interests in the assignment of creditor's rights and to ensure the transferee's safe position in law. This paper focuses on the security status of the transferee, analyzes the present legislative situation and defects of the protection of the interest of the transferee of creditor's rights transfer in China, and on the basis of drawing lessons from foreign experience and combining with the reality of our country, To improve the protection of the interests of China's transferee legislative recommendations. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter expounds the concept and nature of the assignment of creditor's rights, the protection of the transferee's interests and the necessity of protecting the transferee's interests in the evolution of the system of assignment of creditor's rights. The second chapter analyzes the legislative status and defects of transferee interest protection in the assignment of creditor's rights in China, which is divided into two sections. The first section is based on the contract Law of China, and analyzes the legislative status of the protection of the transferee's interests in the assignment of creditor's rights in China. The second section focuses on analyzing the legislative defects of the transferee's interest protection: the stipulation on the subject of notice of assignment is unreasonable, the special effect of forbidding the assignment of creditor's rights and the way of publicizing the failure to establish the assignment of creditor's rights are completely affirmed. The third chapter investigates the legislation of transferee protection in Anglo-American law system and civil law system in order to provide reasonable reference for perfecting transferee protection in our country. In the fourth chapter, aiming at the legislative defects of the protection of the transferee's interest in the assignment of creditor's rights in our country, the author puts forward to increase the transferee as the subject of the notice of assignment. In order to strengthen the protection of the transferee's interests, it is proposed to restrict the external effect of the special contract of disclosing creditor's rights and to establish the way of making the assignment of creditor's rights public combined with registration and notification in order to strengthen the protection of transferee's interests.
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