发布时间:2018-12-15 06:28
【摘要】:本文是介绍一般货物买卖违约的风险责任,也就是在违约的情况下,风险一般负担原则和违约责任的竞合和协调处理。 违约责任和风险负担,两者是在共同处理标的物毁损灭失上是两种不同的制度方式。 非违约的前提下,风险一般是随着货物的交付而转移,但是违约的情况下,一般货物的风险负担可以用违约责任来制约,但是既有违约,也有一般风险负担的情况下,就涉及到违约责任和一般风险负担的协调与配合的复杂关系。风险负担法律制度,说白了就是风险该由谁来承担,也就是说在双方当事人中由谁来承担风险,来承担这个责任,这个风险的承担是应该由一个特定的时间点来实现,也就是风险的转移的时间点,就是说风险从哪个时候转移给相对人承担。在双方不违约的情况下,可以根据一般非违约的风险负担归责来承担,比如UCP600中规定FOB是货物到船上的时候风险转移,而在违约的情况下,应该使用违约的相关责任认定归责,如现行中国内地的合同法是采用“严格责任”和“过错责任”双重归责原则。但是现行的合同法比1981年经济合同法更强调“严格责任”。而在民法中是用严格责任。严格责任不是觉得的不考虑过错,不等于“无过错责任”。 在我们国家,对于违约的归责原则,其已经实现了由“过错责任”向“严格责任”转化的趋势。按照著名学者王利明教授在“违约责任论”里的观点,我国在民法上是使用“严格责任”的。但是在合同法领域,是采用了“严格责任”和“过错责任”双重的归责原则。但是我国合同法上的缺陷在于总则中的“严格责任”未完全在分则中得以体现,有些有名合同任何用的是“过错责任。”造成了合同法总则和分则的不统一,和法律制度上的不完善。 国内外学术界对于买卖合同违约时的风险负担理论很丰富,主要分三种理论: 1、债权人主义:也就是由债权人负担货物毁损灭失的主要风险 2、债务人主义:也就是由债务人负担货物毁损灭失的主要风险(笔者比较倾向这种学说) 3、所有人主义:也就是由所有人负担货物毁损灭失的主要风险(这种学说在指示交付,凭单证完成交付等情况下捉襟见肘) 对于如何协调风险负担和违约责任最为有利,成为了当今合同法界的一个重大课题,也影响了各类商业活动的开展。笔者认为法律的“价值目的”在于实现经济增加,“公平目的”在于平衡各方面的利益,而违约时的风险负担则应该合理分配卖方和买方的利益,这样才能更好的为商业活动做保驾护航之作用。 违约也就是说:无正当理由违反合同债务。违约的形态在罗马法分来时按照给付不能和迟延履行来区分。笔者认为除了这两种外,还应该有两种也就是:拒绝履行,不完全履行。在四种违约情形中,本文又重在研究不完全履行时候的风险负担问题。在描述和解决这个难题之后,笔者用大陆法系中比较典型的几个国家的做法和德国法做一个比较,,用英美法系中比较典型的“美国统一商法典”作为举例。提出了违约的的风险责任如何分配一般做法和两种法系的特殊做法的优劣比较。 本文从对比大陆法系,(包括中国台湾地区)和英美法系在违约的风险负担制度上的规定不同,同时结合分析我国合同法上的相关法律条文在如何规定违约的风险负担的漏洞和不足,或者我国合同法上并没有相关规定,笔者提出一些关于违约的风险负担的立法的构想,本文认为“意外事件”应该作为一种非违约的风险,纳入一般的风险负担责任中。
[Abstract]:This article is to introduce the risk responsibility of the general goods sale and default, that is, in the case of default, the principle of general burden of risk and the concurrence and coordination of the liability for breach of contract. Liability for breach of contract and risk burden, both of which are two different system parties in the loss of common handling of the subject matter In the case of non-default, the risk is generally transferred with the delivery of the goods, but in the event of default, the risk burden of the general goods may be restricted by the liability for breach of contract, but both the default and the general risk Coordination and coordination of liability for breach of contract and general risk The risk-burden legal system is that it is the risk that the risk should be borne by who, that is to say, who is taking the risk to bear the responsibility in the party's party, this risk should be realized by a specific time point, that is, the transfer of the risk Point of time, that is, which time the risk is transferred to the opposite The person assumes that, in the event of a non-default between the two parties, the liability shall be borne by the liability of the general non-default risk, such as the risk shift when the FOB is the goods to the ship in the UCP600, and in the event of a default, the relevant liability for breach of contract shall be recognized. The contract law of the mainland of China is the dual return of the 鈥渟trict liability鈥
[Abstract]:This article is to introduce the risk responsibility of the general goods sale and default, that is, in the case of default, the principle of general burden of risk and the concurrence and coordination of the liability for breach of contract. Liability for breach of contract and risk burden, both of which are two different system parties in the loss of common handling of the subject matter In the case of non-default, the risk is generally transferred with the delivery of the goods, but in the event of default, the risk burden of the general goods may be restricted by the liability for breach of contract, but both the default and the general risk Coordination and coordination of liability for breach of contract and general risk The risk-burden legal system is that it is the risk that the risk should be borne by who, that is to say, who is taking the risk to bear the responsibility in the party's party, this risk should be realized by a specific time point, that is, the transfer of the risk Point of time, that is, which time the risk is transferred to the opposite The person assumes that, in the event of a non-default between the two parties, the liability shall be borne by the liability of the general non-default risk, such as the risk shift when the FOB is the goods to the ship in the UCP600, and in the event of a default, the relevant liability for breach of contract shall be recognized. The contract law of the mainland of China is the dual return of the 鈥渟trict liability鈥