本文关键词: 职工权利 工作权 人力资本权利 出处:《吉林大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 公司职工权利关系着职工切身利益,也关系到社会和谐稳定与社会进步。公司为追求经济效益的最大化而侵犯职工权利已经成为一个普遍存在的社会问题。 公司职工权利的侵害事实以及保护的法律资源现状表明,仅凭劳动法律,并按劳动法制度并不能完全保护公司职工权利。在公司法律中如何构建职工权利内容体系,采用何种法律构建模式是本文论述的重点。 本文从公司法视角,研究公司中职工的地位与身份,公司职工权利及其公司法构造。本文认为,公司是资本与劳动的共同协作体,公司职工的需要和利益应当权利化。公司是典型的社会性、公共性社团,背负着以保护职工权利为主要内容的社会责任。公司职工权利是劳动者劳动权在公司的具体化。公司职工权利具有结构性特点,是以人的自然性权利为基础的、以职工组织性权利为主要内容的、以人力资本性权利为特征的权利(权能)总和。构建和保护职工权利具有深厚的法理基础和较高的法律价值。 本文认为,从人的自然性权利出发,公司职工权利可分别构成工作权和人力资本权利的若干权利、权能。构造和保护公司职工权利应当从公司职工组织性权利与人力资本性权利的内容入手,有机运用多种组合法律构建模式,建立公司职工权利及其保护体系。同时,融合国际劳工法律资源,完善公司立法。为维护公司职工权利,构建和谐劳动关系提供公司法上的保障。
[Abstract]:The rights of employees are related to the vital interests of workers, social harmony and stability and social progress. In order to maximize the economic benefits, the company has become a widespread social problem to violate the rights of workers and staff. The fact that employees' rights have been violated and the current situation of the legal resources protected shows that only labor law can be relied on. And according to the labor law system can not completely protect the rights of employees in the company law, how to build the content system of workers' rights, what kind of legal construction model is the focus of this paper. From the perspective of company law, this paper studies the position and identity of employees, the rights of workers and staff and the structure of company law. This paper holds that the company is a cooperative body of capital and labor. The needs and interests of the workers and staff of the company should be entitled. The company is a typical social, public society. Bear the social responsibility to protect the rights of workers. The rights of workers are the embodiment of labor rights in the company. The rights of workers in companies have structural characteristics and are based on the natural rights of human beings. The construction and protection of workers' rights have profound legal basis and higher legal value. This paper holds that, starting from the natural rights of human beings, the rights of employees in a company can constitute several rights of the right to work and the right of human capital respectively. The construction and protection of workers' rights should start with the contents of the organizational rights and human capital rights of the employees, and use a variety of combinatorial laws to construct the model organically. At the same time, we should integrate the international labor legal resources, perfect the company legislation, and provide the company law guarantee for the protection of the workers' rights and the construction of harmonious labor relations.
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