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发布时间:2018-01-30 22:10

  本文关键词: 职工参与 职工代表大会 职工董事 职工监事 出处:《西南政法大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 传统公司法理论认为,公司运营的基础是物质资本。因此,作为物质资本所有者的股东享有对公司的绝对控制权。二十世纪六十年代以来,随着传统英美公司治理模式缺陷的暴露以及经济民主理论、人力资本所有权理论和公司社会责任理论的提出,职工在公司治理中的作用日益凸显。同时,职工参与制度因其在实践中所具有的缓和劳资关系、保护职工利益、提高公司经济效益、改善公司治理结构等积极意义也为各国公司法所关注。 在我国计划经济时期,企业职工主要通过职工代表大会的形式参与企业的管理与决策。而现行《公司法》以此为基础,进一步完善了职工参与公司治理的具体路径。这不仅符合知识经济条件下公司治理“以人为本”的具体要求,也为市场经济条件下我国广大职工参与公司治理提供了制度上的保障,殊值赞赏。但是值得指出的是,尽管与计划经济时期的企业立法及1993年《公司法》相比,新的《公司法》在完善职工参与制度上取得了长足的进步,但仍然存在一些亟待解决的问题。 本文从法律的视角,运用比较分析和实证分析的方法,首先阐述了职工参与制度的一般理论,其次介绍分析了国外职工参与制度的成功模式和实践经验,然后在此基础上指出职工参与制度的合理性及其对我国构建现代企业制度所具有的积极意义,最后结合我国职工参与制度的立法实践,进行了有针对性的评析,指出我国这项制度目前存在的缺陷,并提出建立完善我国职工参与制度的相关建议。 除引言和结语外,本文总共分为四个部分,三万五千余字,具体内容如下: 一、职工参与制度概述。在这一部分中,笔者首先阐述了职工参与制度的概念,而后介绍了职工参与的两种基本方式,即职工的管理参与和职工的利益参与。接下来着重分析了这一制度的历史沿革及其产生的社会政治背景,包括工人运动的发展壮大及经济和科技水平的提高等。 二、职工参与制度的理论基础及外国法上的职工参与制度。本部分,笔者主要分析了职工参与制度的三大理论基础,即经济民主理论、人力资本所有权理论以及公司的社会责任理论。进而以德国、美国两个在职工参与制度上极具代表意义的国家作为范例,详尽分析了上述两国在这一制度上不同的立法模式,然后指出其对于我国的借鉴意义和启示。 三、职工参与制度的合理性评析。这个部分是本文的核心所在。在这个部分中,笔者首先分析了职工参与制度在降低代理成本、提高公司治理效率、激发职工生产积极性等方面的作用。继而指出,完善我国的职工参与制度,不但可以缓解劳资冲突,维护职工合法权益,还能有效完善公司内部的监控体系。在此基础上,笔者还论述了在当前我国国有企业公司制改革的大背景下,广大国企职工参与公司治理的内在动因。 四、我国职工参与制度的现状、缺陷及立法完善。在这个部分中,笔者首先说明了当前我国职工参与制度的立法现状,包括以《宪法》为根本,以《公司法》和《劳动法》、《工会法》等为核心的一整套法律体系。其次,笔者着重评述了现存法律制度在职工参与方面所存在的缺陷。最后,笔者提出了通过完善现行《公司法》,继而构建起适合我国国情,且具有实践上的操作性的职工参与制度的立法构想。
[Abstract]:The traditional company law theory holds that the foundation of the company ' s operation is material capital . Therefore , as the shareholder of the material capital owner has the absolute control right to the company . Since the 1960s , as the traditional Anglo - American corporate governance model defect and the theory of economic democracy , human capital ownership theory and corporate social responsibility theory , the employee ' s role in corporate governance is becoming more and more prominent . At the same time , the employee ' s participation system is of concern to the company law as a result of its relaxation of labor relations , the protection of employee benefits , the improvement of the company ' s economic benefits , and the improvement of corporate governance structure . In the planned economy period of our country , the employees of the enterprise participate in the management and decision - making of the enterprise mainly through the form of the workers ' congress . From the point of view of law , using comparative analysis and empirical analysis method , the general theory of employee ' s participation system is introduced first . Secondly , the author points out the rationality of employee ' s participation system and its positive significance to the construction of modern enterprise system . Finally , it points out the defects existing in our country ' s system , and puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the system of employee ' s participation in China . In addition to the introduction and conclusion , this article is divided into four parts , thirty thousand five thousand words , the concrete contents are as follows : In this part , the author first expounds the concept of employee ' s participation system , and then introduces two basic ways of employee ' s participation . Second , the theory basis of the employee ' s participation system and the system of employee ' s participation in foreign law . The author mainly analyzes the three theoretical bases of the employee ' s participation system , namely , the theory of economic democracy , the theory of human capital ownership and the theory of social responsibility of the company . This part is the core of this paper . In this part , the author first analyzes the role of employee participation system in reducing agent cost , improving corporate governance efficiency and stimulating employee production enthusiasm . In this part , it is pointed out that perfecting the system of employee participation can not only alleviate labor conflict , safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers , but also effectively improve the internal monitoring system of the company . In this part , the author points out the defects of the existing legal system in the participation of workers and workers , and then puts forward the legislative idea of the employee ' s participation system which is suitable for our country ' s national conditions and has practical operation .



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1 沈惠玲;论公司社会责任的践行[D];华东政法大学;2010年




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