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发布时间:2018-02-05 23:17

  本文关键词: 工会组织 行政主体 公权力 规范 司法审查 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In China, trade unions are the largest and most influential social organizations. Trade union organizations with nearly 300 million members occupy a large number of administrative resources and are regarded as "the second government". The understanding of trade union organization is generally equivalent to that of "social organization", but after further investigation, the trade union organization is found to be different from the general social organization. It is necessary to investigate its legal position more deeply. People's organizations represented by trade unions and even other social organizations will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in social governance. It is necessary in the theory of administrative subject. China's trade unions, which play an increasingly important role, are given a more precise picture:. Trade union organizations exercising the executive power conferred by the state law are recognized as administrative subjects. The trade union organizations that exercise the social rights recognized by the articles of association are recognized as social public power organizations, and the two kinds of legal subjects combine together to form a special public power subject. The sources of the public power of the trade union organization are reflected in two aspects: one is the empowerment from the national law and the other is the authorization from the internal norms such as the constitution. The complexity of the power source means that the regulation and supervision of the power operation should reflect the compounding nature, and corresponding to the compound power source, the norm of regulating the power operation should also be compound. In fact, the norms of the operation of the power of trade union organizations have formed a system composed of laws, administrative regulations, departmental regulations, articles of association and internal norms. The regulation of restricting the operation of public power is not necessarily formulated by state organs, nor is it fully guaranteed to be implemented by national coercive forces. However, it is still playing a practical role through various other ways. The standard system of public power operation of trade union organizations provides a good object for the study of the role of soft law in the power operation of social organizations, and provides a good object for trade union organizations. Executive power and social power. It is necessary to expand the scope of accepting cases of administrative litigation, strengthen judicial examination of public power organizations outside administrative organs, and improve the supervision of administrative power by judicial power.


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