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发布时间:2018-02-24 12:09

  本文关键词: 农民工 劳动保护 机制 完善 出处:《河北师范大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 随着工业化的推进和城市化进程的加速,中国农村劳动力正进行着历史性的转移。当前我国农民工约有1.5亿人,其正逐步成为我国新一代产业工人的主体。庞大的农民工群体以其辛勤劳动为我国城乡建设做出了巨大贡献。但是,我国安全生产事故频发,职业病、传染病危害严重,其中农民工占到了伤亡人数的80%。可见,农民工的生命安全和身体健康正在遭受严重侵害。这也凸显了农民工劳动保护机制运行的现实困境。如何破解农民工劳动保护机制的运行困境,还农民工以切实到位的安全和卫生保护是我国当前亟待解决的重大问题,也引起了全社会的广泛关注。 就农民工的法律地位而言,其并无特殊性,因此本文对于农民工劳动保护机制的分析是在保护劳动者的总体视野下进行的。文中首先对农民工和劳动保护机制进行准确界定。然后在对我国农民工的劳动保护机制现况进行实证调查和资料查询的基础上,运用当代先进法学理论和法律社会学研究方法对农民工劳动保护的机制困境进行多角度、深层次原因分析,并借鉴国内外劳动保护成果,针对我国国情提出了破解农民工劳动保护机制运行困境的应对之策。 论文共分四部分: 第一部分主要对农民工和劳动保护机制进行概念界定。笔者把农民工界定为:具有农村户口身份,长期或一定时期内在城镇务工的劳动者。本文所指劳动保护机制是指由劳动保护各要素相互联系、相互作用,从而发挥劳动保护功能的作用原理。其研究对象是我国的农民工弱势群体,研究的范围涉及我国农民工劳动保护的立法、执法、司法、守法等诸多方面。具体研究内容是农民工生产劳动期间生命安全和身体健康。 第二部分从应然与实然的角度对当前我国农民工劳动保护机制建设所取得的进展和存在的问题进行考察,认为我国对于农民工的劳动保护已初步形成了一个覆盖农民工生命安全和身体健康的日常预防、工伤救助、医疗保障和事故处理的综合法律体系,为我国农民工依法维权创造了前提条件。同时指出了当前农民工劳动保护领域中普遍存在的劳动保护措施缺失、社会保险缺位、劳动用人制度不规范、维权之路受阻、劳动监察不力和工会维权失落等诸多问题。 第三部分从经济、政治、文化、法律规范几重维度,运用逻辑分析、比较分析、系统分析的研究方法,借鉴西方权利法学、法律经济学、经济博弈论、文化解释学等理论进行深入分析,探求农民工劳动保护机制运行困境的深层次原因,为对策分析奠定坚实基础。在经济因素方面对农民工劳动保护机制运行维权困境进行马克思主义法学分析,对农民工劳动保护问题形成进行制度经济学分析,对农民工签订劳动合同过程进行博弈论解读,对工会维权进行经济效率分析,对劳动保护措施缺失进行安全经济学分析,对农民工维权进行成本探讨;在政治因素方面主要探讨农民工劳动保护机制运行中的权力博弈、二元身份的围城和国家功能的错位问题;在法律文化传统方面指出了崇无讼、重调处的法律传统和权尊于法的传统对农民工维权的影响;并探讨了农民工劳动保护的宪法维度、民事法律维度、劳动法维度、刑事法律维度。 第四部分在前述分析的基础上,借鉴国内外劳动保护成功经验,提出了在已有农民工劳动保护机制基础上,完善以立法、司法、执法和守法为中心的劳动保护机制,并从法律体系、保护主体、司法改革、执法监督、工会维权、自身维权、非政府组织维权等多个方面提出完善我国农民工劳动保护机制的对策。主要包括:(1)进一步完善有关农民工劳动保护当前的法律体系;(2)明确定位国家劳动保护主体;(3)改革现行司法体制;(4)加强农民工劳动保护的执法和监察;(5)构建涵盖农民工的社会保障机制;(6)培育农民工自主维权机制(7)建立农民工工会维权机制;(8)鼓励法律援助机构和NGO(非政府组织)参与农民工劳动保护。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of industrialization and the acceleration of urbanization , China ' s rural labor force is undergoing a historic transfer . At present , some 150 million migrant workers in China are gradually becoming the main body of our new generation of industrial workers . However , the safety and health of migrant workers are suffering from serious violations . In the light of the legal status of migrant workers , it is not special , so the paper makes an accurate definition of the mechanism of migrant worker ' s labor protection . Then , based on the empirical investigation and information inquiry of the status of the labor protection mechanism of migrant workers in China , this paper analyzes the mechanism predicament of migrant worker ' s labor protection by means of modern advanced law theory and legal sociology research method , and puts forward the countermeasures to solve the problem of migrant worker ' s labor protection mechanism . The thesis is divided into four parts : The first part mainly defines the concept of migrant workers and labor protection mechanisms . The author defines the migrant workers as workers who have rural residence status , long - term or certain period of time . The research object is the legislation , law enforcement , judicial , law - abiding and other aspects of the labor protection of migrant workers in our country . The research contents are the life safety and health of migrant workers during the productive labor . The second part investigates the progress and problems of the construction of the labor protection mechanism of migrant workers in China from the angle of stress and reality . It is believed that the comprehensive legal system covering the life safety and health of the migrant workers has formed a comprehensive legal system which covers the life safety and the health of the migrant workers . In the third part , from the aspects of economic , political , cultural and legal norms , the author deeply analyzes the causes of the running of the labor protection mechanism of migrant workers , analyzes the causes of the running of the labor protection mechanism of migrant workers , analyzes the causes of the labor protection mechanism of migrant workers , analyzes the causes of the labor protection mechanism of migrant workers , analyzes the causes of the labor protection of migrant workers , analyzes the influence of the traditional law tradition and the right respect to the rights of migrant workers , and discusses the constitution dimension , the civil law dimension , the labor law dimension and the criminal law dimension of the migrant workers ' labor protection . The fourth part , on the basis of the previous analysis , puts forward the countermeasures of perfecting the labor protection mechanism of the migrant workers based on the experience of labor protection at home and abroad .



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1 高建;上海市农民工安全生产培训的制度分析[D];华东师范大学;2010年




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