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发布时间:2018-03-12 19:32

  本文选题:高龄劳动者 切入点:法定退休年龄 出处:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:人口老龄化作为世界性的社会问题,,于上个世界中叶就已经为人口学家所提出。许多发达资本主义国家在上世界后半段就已纷纷进入老龄化社会,我国则在上世纪最后一年,宣布正式进入老龄化社会。人口的老龄化对社会诸多方面均产生着不可低估的影响,对于劳动力市场尤其如此。老龄化社会状态下的劳动力市场,容易产生劳动力短缺、生产效率低下、代际矛盾显著等问题。本文试图从法律角度对老龄化社会所产生的独特群体--高龄劳动者进行分析,揭示高龄劳动者法律问题属性,阐明我国现阶段存在的问题,通过完善立法,制定相关法律法规,形成行之有效的制度体系,发挥法律调整社会行为、引导社会心理的积极作用。 本文共分为三个部分:第一部分由界定文章论述要使用的相关概念入手,对我国高龄劳动者的现状做一定的梳理,在明确研究范围的前提下,分析概念的外延,明确高龄劳动者在我国法律体系中所处的地位和关系性质,为本文即将讨论的问题确立基调和方向。同时通过对我国高龄劳动者人员构成入手,分析其所处的现状,说明本文试图解决的问题。第二部分为本文重点部分。首先依据我国现状,指出高龄劳动者在我国法律体系当中所遭遇的问题以及产生这些问题的原因,分析问题出现的必然性和艰巨性,进一步明确我国高龄劳动者法律体系建设所应当克服的困难和达成的目标,明确我国高龄劳动者平等就业权实现的必要性;其次,通过对延长退休法定退休年龄和弹性退休制度的比较分析,对目前我国应对高龄劳动者社会法权利保障以及相关问题的思路进行梳理,对依据相应思路所做的制度设定做出批判性反思,对其合理内核做继承性吸收,对其不合理部分进行扬弃;最后,通过对外国类似制度的分析,取长补短。第三部分结合第一、二部分的内容,对我国在构建针对高龄劳动者为对象的法律体系的过程中所应当注意的问题提出自己的观点和看法。最后,在结语部分对全文做总结性概括。
[Abstract]:Population aging, as a worldwide social problem, has been put forward by demographers in the middle of the last world. Many developed capitalist countries have entered the aging society in the second half of the world, and in our country in the last year of 0th century. The ageing of the population has an inestimable impact on many aspects of society, especially for the labour market. The labor market in an ageing society is prone to labour shortages, This paper attempts to analyze the unique group of the aged workers in an aging society from the legal point of view, to reveal the attributes of the legal problems of the aged workers, such as low production efficiency and obvious intergenerational contradictions. This paper expounds the problems existing in our country at the present stage, through perfecting the legislation, making relevant laws and regulations, forming an effective system, giving play to the positive role of the law in adjusting social behavior and guiding the social psychology. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part begins with defining the relevant concepts to be used in the article, and combs the present situation of the senior citizens in China, analyzes the extension of the concept on the premise of clear research scope. In order to set the tone and direction of the problems to be discussed in this paper, the author clarifies the position and relation nature of the senior citizens in the legal system of our country. At the same time, through the analysis of the composition of the senior citizens in our country, the present situation is analyzed. The second part is the key part of this paper. Firstly, according to the present situation of our country, it points out the problems encountered by the senior citizens in the legal system of our country and the causes of these problems. Analyze the inevitability and difficulty of the problems, further clarify the difficulties and goals that should be overcome in the construction of the legal system of senior citizens in our country, and make clear the necessity of realizing the equal right to employment of the senior citizens in our country; secondly, By comparing and analyzing the extension of the retirement legal retirement age and the flexible retirement system, the author sorts out the ideas that our country should protect the social law rights of the aged workers and the related problems. To make a critical reflection on the system set up according to the corresponding thinking, to absorb the reasonable core of the system, to sublate the unreasonable part; finally, through the analysis of similar foreign systems, to learn from each other's weaknesses. The third part combines with the first, The second part of the content of our country in the construction of the legal system for the elderly workers should pay attention to the process of their own views and views. Finally, in the conclusion part of the summary of the full text.


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