本文选题:工作岗位 切入点:调职 出处:《苏州大学》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 工作岗位是劳动关系的一个重要载体,在劳动关系运行过程中,工作岗位的变更是一种常见的现象,它是实现物尽其才、人尽其用的重要途径。 尽管工作岗位变更在劳动关系中意义非同寻常,但法律在这个领域内却存在着很大的空白。立法者的原意是避免用法律的强行干预去破坏劳资双方的和谐稳定,进而给双方留下足够的空间自我协商,最终实现劳资双方相互配合与照顾。然而,许多用人单位往往钻营法律的漏洞,侵害劳动者的合法权益。随着劳动者维权意识的日益增长,岗位变更成了劳动关系运行过程中一个极易导致劳资纠纷的环节。加之在经济危机的现状下,用人单位裁员减薪之风盛行,法律就有主动干预的必要性和迫切性了。本文通过分析《劳动合同法》、《劳动争议调解总裁法》的相关内容,在探讨实务中的问题以及借鉴境外理论成果的基础上提出了自己的观点。文章由引言、正文和结语三个部分组成。其中正文分为三章,主要内容摘要如下: 第一章介绍工作岗位变更的基本含义,即通过分析工作岗位变更的概念及其法律特征,确立了本文的研究范围并论证了该课题研究的重要价值。 第二章考察我国现行立法的现状和特点。针对当前工作岗位变更实务中存在的诸多问题,指出我国法律的不足指出以及改进的必要性。 第三章在对现存问题总结的基础上,提出本文的核心理念,即通过制度设计和程序安排在工作岗位变更领域促成劳资合作。在这样的理论前提下,本章从四个方面来实现这种立法理念。通过这几个方面的探讨,不仅实现了对现行立法进行改造和完善,同时还主张适当引入了调职权这一法律制度,并重点探讨了对调职权规制的立法和司法手段。
[Abstract]:Working post is an important carrier of labor relations. In the process of labor relationship operation, the change of work post is a common phenomenon. It is an important way to realize the best of things and people to use them. Although job changes have an extraordinary meaning in labor relations, there is a big gap in the law in this area. Legislators' intent is to avoid using the law to force intervention to undermine the harmony and stability of labor and capital. In turn, it leaves enough room for self-negotiation between the two sides so as to eventually achieve mutual cooperation and care between employers and employees. However, many employers often exploit loopholes in the law. Encroaching on the legitimate rights and interests of the laborer. With the increasing consciousness of protecting the rights of the laborer, the post change has become a link which can easily lead to the labor dispute in the course of the operation of the labor relations. In addition, under the present situation of the economic crisis, The prevailing trend of employers' layoffs and pay cuts makes it necessary and urgent for the law to intervene on its own initiative. This paper analyzes the relevant contents of the Labor contract Law and the Labor dispute Mediation President's Law. On the basis of discussing the problems in practice and drawing on the achievements of overseas theories, the article is composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into three chapters, and the main contents are summarized as follows:. The first chapter introduces the basic meaning of job change, that is, by analyzing the concept and legal characteristics of job change, the research scope of this paper is established and the important value of this subject is demonstrated. The second chapter examines the current situation and characteristics of our country's current legislation. Aiming at the problems existing in the practice of job change, the author points out the deficiency of our country's law and the necessity of its improvement. The third chapter, on the basis of summarizing the existing problems, puts forward the core idea of this paper, that is, to promote labor and capital cooperation in the field of job change through system design and procedure arrangement. This chapter realizes this kind of legislation idea from four aspects. Through the discussion of these several aspects, it not only realizes the reform and perfection of the current legislation, but also advocates the proper introduction of the legal system of adjusting the functions and powers. It also focuses on the legislative and judicial means of regulating the transfer of powers.
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