本文选题:知情权 切入点:用人单位 出处:《西南政法大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The research on the right to know is mainly focused on the field of administrative law, but less on the right to know in the field of private law. At the beginning, the right to know is also considered as a concept in the field of public law. With the evolution of the theoretical research and legal practice of the right to know, the connotation and extension of the right to know has been expanded, the right to know in the field of private law has been highlighted, and the research results of the right to know in the field of private law have been gradually enriched. However, research on the right to information of employers in the field of labor law is still relatively rare. This paper analyzes the legal system related to the right to know of the employer in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Labor contract Law, except for the introduction and conclusion. This article is divided into the following four parts: the first part introduces the basic theory of the right to know of the unit of choose and employ persons, and on the basis of the research results of the right to know, analyzes the concept, nature and constitutive elements of the right to know of the unit of choose and employ persons. This paper holds that the right to know is a kind of civil right with the attribute of social law. At the same time, the employer must request the laborer to explain the relevant information to realize the right to know. Only under certain circumstances should the laborer take the initiative to explain the relevant information to the employer. The second part introduces the theoretical basis of the employer's right to know. The theory of information asymmetry also applies. At the same time, The principle of good faith and the theory of collateral obligation of labor contract are also the theoretical sources of the right to know of the employer. The third part combs the relevant laws and regulations of the right to know of the unit of choose and employ persons and the judicial status quo of the right to know of the unit of choose and employ persons. This paper argues that the existing legal system of employers has the following problems: firstly, the right to know of employers is not clearly defined in Chinese law. Secondly, after the establishment of labor relations, the right of employers to know lacks of legal regulation. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions to solve the problems existing in the legal system of the right to know, and puts forward the principles of restricting the exercise of the right to know of the unit of choose and employ persons. In order to practice the unit of choose and employ persons to exercise the right to know to provide principled guidance, but also for the judicial decision to provide ideas for the resolution of disputes.
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