本文选题:人才流动 + 商业秘密 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:在人才流动中,员工与原企业会产生许多纠纷,尤其是关于企业商业秘密的纠纷,而随着人才流动的日益频繁,此类纠纷也将越来越多。人才流动所导致的商业秘密的扩散、复制,会大大降低企业的市场价值,削减企业的竞争力。如果竞争对手能从人员的流动中轻易地取得他人的商业秘密,就能以此为起点,在市场竞争中处于明显有利的地位,对商业秘密权利人的利益造成损害。但是,也不能以保护商业秘密为由阻碍人才的自由流动。因此,人才流动与商业秘密保护之间存在着一定的矛盾。从根本上来说,劳动者与企业在利益目标上存在一定的冲突,前者追求工资福利的最大化,后者追求自身利润的最大化,所以,双方之间的对抗性是显而易见的。法律必须对其加以调整,在保护企业商业秘密的同时,也不妨碍人才的自由流动,进而维护公平有序的市场竞争环境,促进经济和社会的发展。 围绕人才流动中商业秘密的法律保护,首先,对人才流动与商业秘密保护的冲突进行较为深入的解读;接着,主要分析我国现有商业秘密保护法律规范,《反不正当竞争法》是我国目前有关商业秘密保护的一部重要法律,它对商业秘密的概念、典型的侵权行为以及侵权者应当承担的法律责任等都作了规定,此外还有《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》和《刑法》等;之后,提出了人才流动中商业秘密流失的救济路径,民事救济、行政救济和刑事救济共同构成了完整的救济体系;最后,针对我国目前人才流动中商业秘密法律保护的现状和不足,进而提出相关的完善建议。
[Abstract]:In the flow of talents, there will be a lot of disputes between the employees and the original enterprises, especially the disputes about the business secrets of the enterprises. With the increasingly frequent flow of talents, such disputes will also become more and more.The proliferation and replication of trade secrets caused by the flow of talents will greatly reduce the market value of enterprises and reduce their competitiveness.If a competitor can easily obtain another person's trade secret from the flow of personnel, he can take it as a starting point and be in an obvious favorable position in the market competition, which will harm the interests of the obligee of trade secret.However, the protection of trade secrets can not be used to prevent the free flow of talent.Therefore, there is a certain contradiction between talent flow and trade secret protection.Fundamentally speaking, there is a certain conflict between the laborer and the enterprise on the goal of interest. The former pursues the maximization of salary and welfare, the latter pursues the maximization of their own profit, so the antagonism between the two sides is obvious.The law must adjust it, protect the business secrets of enterprises, but also not hinder the free flow of talents, and then maintain a fair and orderly market competition environment, promote the development of economy and society.Around the legal protection of trade secrets in the flow of talents, firstly, the conflict between the flow of talents and the protection of trade secrets is interpreted deeply; then,This paper mainly analyzes the existing legal norms for the protection of trade secrets in our country. Anti-unfair Competition Law is an important law on the protection of trade secrets in our country at present.The typical tort and the legal liability of the infringer are all stipulated, in addition to the Labor Law, the Labor contract Law and the Criminal Law, etc. After that, the relief path of the loss of commercial secrets in the flow of talents is put forward.Civil relief, administrative relief and criminal relief constitute a complete relief system. Finally, in view of the current situation and deficiencies of the legal protection of trade secrets in the flow of talents in our country, the author puts forward some relevant suggestions.
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