本文选题:大学毕业生 + 就业 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】:当下大学毕业生就业难是比较热门的话题,并已引起党和政府的高度重视,许多相关学科对此展开了有针对性的研究。在劳动力逐步走向市场化的当下,大家关注大学毕业生就业难这种“相对过剩”现象的同时,却较少去关注大学毕业生在就业过程中遭受的种种就业歧视,就业歧视是对公民平等就业权的侵害,自然也侵害了大学毕业生的平等就业权。平等就业权不但是宪法赋予公民基本权利的应有之义,同时关乎人之所以为“人”的尊严,但现实中法律对平等就业权的实现和保护却很弱,法律对就业歧视的规定也含糊其辞,以致劳动力市场出现的种种就业歧视竟被视作合法。这些就业歧视侵害大学毕业生的平等就业权,侵害了大学毕业生作为一个公民的基本权利。这同构建“和谐社会”,实现“人才强国”的战略是相违背的。 本文分四大部分对大学毕业生平等就业权的实现问题展开论述,第一部分主要对平等就业权进行理论分析,包括平等就业权的法律分析,大学毕业生平等就业权的价值分析和平等就业权的限制。第二部分主要分析大学毕业生就业过程中平等就业权实现障碍主要表现为各种就业歧视,并通过实证和统计资料对就业歧视进行分析。第三部分主要分析大学毕业生就业歧视的原因进行系统的分析,产生就业歧视的原因是多方面的,鉴于学科限制本文仅就法律上的原因进行分析。第四部分是建立在对平等就业权和大学毕业生遭受的种种就业歧视基础之上,结合我国的实际提出应对措施。平等就业权的真正实现不是朝夕之功可以做到,也不是立部法就能够解决,必须标本兼治,远近结合才有可能早日实现“劳者有其业,人能尽其才”健康就业市场,才能实现温家宝总理提出的“让人民生活得更加幸福,更有尊严”这一目标。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the difficult employment of college graduates is a hot topic, and has attracted great attention of the Party and the government. Many relevant disciplines have carried out targeted research on it. While the labor force is gradually moving towards marketization, people pay close attention to the phenomenon of "relative surplus" of college graduates' employment difficulties, but pay less attention to all kinds of employment discrimination suffered by university graduates in the process of employment. Employment discrimination infringes on citizens' equal right to employment, and naturally infringes on the equal employment rights of college graduates. The equal right to employment is not only the proper meaning of the basic rights of citizens given by the Constitution, but also relates to the dignity of the human being, but the realization and protection of the equal right to employment by law is very weak in reality. The legal provisions on employment discrimination are so vague that all forms of employment discrimination in the labour market are considered legal. These discrimination infringes on the equal employment rights of college graduates and infringes on the basic rights of college graduates as citizens. This is contrary to the strategy of building a "harmonious society" and realizing "strong talent". This paper is divided into four parts to discuss the realization of the equal employment right of university graduates. The first part is mainly about the theoretical analysis of equal employment right, including the legal analysis of equal employment right. The value analysis of equal employment right of college graduates and the restriction of equal employment right. The second part mainly analyzes the obstacles to the realization of equal employment right in the employment process of college graduates, and analyzes employment discrimination through empirical and statistical data. The third part mainly analyzes the reasons of employment discrimination of college graduates. The causes of employment discrimination are various. In view of the discipline limitation, this paper only analyzes the legal reasons. The fourth part is based on the equal right to employment and employment discrimination suffered by college graduates, combined with the actual situation in China to put forward countermeasures. The real realization of the equal right to employment is not something that can be achieved overnight, nor can it be solved by establishing a ministry law. Only by combining the root causes and the near and far, can we realize at an early date the healthy employment market in which the labors have their jobs and the people can do their best. To achieve Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's goal of making people happier and more dignified.
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