[Abstract]:The determination of labor relations should accurately grasp its connotation and extension. There is a big difference in the identification of labor relations between different subjects under the multi-story subcontracting of the construction industry. This paper analyzes the identification standard of labor relations on the complex employment relationship in the construction industry. At the same time, this paper expounds the identification of labor relations from the standards of employment relations, the distinction between employment relations and labor relations. Observing the standards of labor relations from the side, we can clearly judge the existence or not of labor relations by means of conceptual comparison. The first part of this paper briefly introduces the content of the case, enumerates the main objective facts identified by the court, and summarizes the two controversial focuses of the case. The second part of the article is case analysis, this part mainly introduces the theoretical issues of labor relations, including the theoretical issues of factual labor relations, the main standards for the identification of labor relations at home and abroad, the analysis of laws and regulations related to labor relations; The necessity of consensual determination of labor relations. According to the facts found by the court in this case, this paper analyzes whether the labor relationship can be formed between the subjects of this case. At the same time, the theory of employment relation and the difference between employment relation and labor relation are analyzed. It was concluded that neither of the parties to the dispute constituted any legal relationship. The third part of the article is thinking and suggestions, according to the above mentioned, both theoretical and practical circles have differences on the identification of labor relations. This paper unifies the application of the law on the basis of attribute theory and improving the rank of legislative documents. Perfect the responsibility mechanism to give the legal protection in three aspects, especially the "agreement" is absorbed by the legislation, as one of the formal standards of confirming the labor relations, further standardizing the determination of the labor relations.
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