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发布时间:2018-07-21 14:00
【摘要】:退休法律制度关系到因年龄或伤病原因退出劳动领域的人的养老和保障问题,因此受到全社会的广泛关注,特别是近几年来,,退休制度中关于男女同龄退休和延迟退休的退休年龄议题始终活跃在各种层面的讨论中,这其中有“两会”上的提交议题,有报纸电视的官方解读,还有网友的论坛热议,甚至是街头巷尾的普通闲谈。之所以有如此大的关注度,应当是由于两方面原因:一方面,退休年龄的相关问题确实牵动着很多人甚至很多家庭的切身利益,稍有变动都会产生较大影响;另一方面,原本稳定运行的退休年龄设计突然间被全社会集中谈论,不仅仅是退休年龄的制度安排自身的问题,还是公众权利意识的提升的结果。中国的退休年龄框架还是在上世纪50年代确定下来的,随着中国社会的高速发展,早已产生与现实不相融合的隔阂,特别是党中央已经决定对退休年龄进行调整,至少延迟退休是势在必行的。因此,我们应当联系退休制度产生的社会背景,探寻解决现实年龄问题的路径。 退休年龄是退休法律制度的核心要素,论述退休年龄,应当将其放在退休法律制度的整体中进行分析认识。首先,应当在基本理论上对退休及相关概念进行一定的了解。明确研究退休年龄的重要意义。然后,在整体范畴下探讨退休法律制度的源与流,从退休制度形成的社会背景中归纳影响退休年龄确定的社会因素。接下来,着眼我国退休法律制度和退休年龄的基本情况,从文章的整体论述中抽剥出现实社会关于退休年龄的两个突出议题,即我国男女同龄退休和实行延迟退休年龄政策加以分析研究。最后针对具体的现实问题提出对我国退休年龄政策调整的相关建议,包括实现男女同龄退休、取消女性退休中的身份差异、逐步实行延迟退休、设计弹性退休方案、完善养老保险制度、配套相关立法,处理好有关联的社会关系等等。
[Abstract]:The retirement legal system is related to the pension and security of those who withdraw from the labor field because of their age or injury, so it has received wide attention from the whole society, especially in recent years. In the retirement system, the topic of retirement age for men and women of the same age and late retirement has always been actively discussed at various levels. Among these are the issues submitted by the "two sessions", the official interpretation of newspapers and television, and the heated discussion of Internet users' forums. Even ordinary gossip on the streets. This attention should be due to two reasons: on the one hand, problems related to the retirement age do affect the vital interests of many people and even many families, and a slight change will have a greater impact. The design of retirement age, which originally operated stably, was suddenly talked about by the whole society. It was not only the problem of institutional arrangement of retirement age, but also the result of raising public awareness of right. China's retirement age framework was established in the 1950s. With the rapid development of Chinese society, there has long been a gap between China's retirement age and the reality. In particular, the CPC Central Committee has decided to adjust the retirement age. At least a delay in retirement is inevitable. Therefore, we should contact the social background of retirement system and explore the way to solve the problem of real age. Retirement age is the core element of retirement legal system. First of all, the basic theory of retirement and related concepts should be understood. Clarify the significance of the study of the retirement age. Then, under the overall category, the source and flow of retirement legal system are discussed, and the social factors that affect the determination of retirement age are concluded from the social background of retirement system formation. Next, looking at the basic situation of our country's retirement legal system and retirement age, we draw from the overall discussion of the article two prominent issues concerning retirement age in real society. Namely our country male and female same age retires and carries out the delayed retirement age policy to carry on the analysis and research. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the adjustment of retirement age policy in China, including realizing the retirement of men and women of the same age, eliminating the identity difference in women's retirement, gradually implementing delayed retirement, and designing flexible retirement scheme. Improve the endowment insurance system, supporting relevant legislation, deal with the related social relations and so on.


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