[Abstract]:With the informatization of small and medium-sized enterprises and the system reform of state-owned enterprises, the competition of talents makes the work of human resources department of small and medium-sized enterprises face unprecedented challenges. Small and medium-sized enterprises have increased their investment in hardware and software facilities, so as to attract, retain and develop the talents needed to make the enterprises have a lasting and strong competitive advantage. With the development of computer information technology, information management is becoming more and more popular in small and medium-sized enterprises. Some large enterprises, state-owned enterprises and even state departments use computers to manage enterprise personnel. However, because large enterprises involve more managers and more complex management projects, the requirements of computer configuration and software functions are very strict. The number of employees in small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively small, the human resource management software used by large enterprises is expensive, and the maintenance costs and maintenance costs are high. At the same time, the system manager needs to have rich experience. Therefore, small and medium-sized enterprises need to have a suitable human resources management system. According to the enterprise's own image, culture, personnel management system and salary system, the personnel management information system has been established. Since 2010, the domestic economic environment, especially the investment environment of small and medium-sized enterprises, has begun to deteriorate. First of all, banks raise interest rates, making small-and-medium-sized loans become a difficult problem. Then came the enactment of the new labor law, which was already relatively cheap in the labor market. Job seekers no longer pursue salary blindly as in the past when looking for a job. For bonuses, leave, training, insurance, provident fund has higher requirements. It is impossible for small and medium-sized enterprises to manage personnel resources through national policies like state-owned enterprises or government agencies, so small and medium-sized enterprises need to have unique personnel management institutions suitable for the enterprises themselves. Based on the present situation, a personnel management system for small and medium-sized enterprises is developed in this paper. The system uses VB6.0 development environment and access database technology under windows system to design and implement a personnel management system for small and medium-sized enterprises. Complete the small and medium-sized personnel department to the employee's entry and leave, salary, promotion, attendance and other information management. The system has seven function modules: employee basic information module, reward module, salary information module, attendance information management module, promotion module, training information management module and user management module. The employee information module is convenient to deal with the employee entry and leave management in the enterprise. The personnel transfer happens almost every day. The administrator can input, modify, delete, query and display the employee information through the software. The payroll module includes detailed registration of overtime wages, base wages, transportation, absence deductions, insurance deductions, total wages, and real wages. Low-level users can use software to check salary, salary quota and other information. The reward module, promotion module, attendance information management module and training information module respectively correspond to the employee's reward, position transfer, attendance and training to input, modify, delete and query operation. Using the personnel management software for payroll, performance appraisal, training file establishment, social security inquiry and so on, not only can the personnel information of the employees be counted in detail, but also the functions of the software can be used to quickly query and display. Statistics some attributes of employees, facilitate future appreciation, pay rise, dismissal and other operations. The use of software can specifically reflect the performance of employees, for promotion, incentives, training has a clear manifestation, greatly increased the employees of the company's future awareness. Employees can have a clear measure of the scale of employment, which helps to increase employee loyalty.
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3 周sビ