[Abstract]:The hidden employment is a kind of legal evasion , covering the real employment relationship in a certain legal form , reducing the employee ' s welfare and infringing upon the rights and interests of the workers . However , there are a lot of phenomena such as labor dispatch , part - time , practice and so on in the practice of labor law in China . However , there are a lot of labor dispatch , part - time and internship in China ' s labor law practice .
The whole text is divided into four parts : the first part is introduction . The introduction mainly introduces the writing background and the writing content , and summarizes the research phenomenon of hidden employment in the academic circle , which is the starting point of the full - text research work ;
The second part is the ontology research of concealed employment relationship . This part mainly analyzes the hidden employment relationship , in order to avoid the confusion of the concept , this paper defines the employment relation as concealed employment in order to realize the purpose of legal avoidance , and points out that the essence of concealed employment relationship is the result of workers , employers and government tripartite games ;
The third part is the harmfulness of the hidden employment relationship and the necessity of its governance . This part analyzes the harm of hidden employment in the part of the hidden employment of Jiulfu . The fourth part is to discuss how to deal with the hidden employment relationship and strengthen the protection of workers ' rights and interests . The fourth part is to deal with the hidden employment relationship and strengthen the protection of workers ' rights and interests .
In law enforcement , we should strengthen the supervision of labour , strengthen the investigation of concealed employment behavior , and regulate the employment relationship ;
In the administration of justice , the " first principle of truth " should be established , and the hidden employment behavior conforming to the fact - related labor relations should be recognized as the fact - labor relation , and the employing unit shall bear the legal responsibility to realize " the veil of hidden employment " .
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