[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China's economy has begun to take off. Like most developing countries, China also faces two gaps, namely, the gap of savings and the gap of foreign exchange. Investment is a policy aimed at introducing external resources to promote rapid economic development in the region. Investment directly participates in the formation of domestic capital and promotes economic growth through investment, which has played the most direct and most obvious role in the development of the economy, to a great extent, alleviates the shortage of funds in the development. Therefore, attracting investment has become an increasingly important source of capital in China. The market brings new thinking and management mode, and promotes China's reform and institutional change.
In order to meet the needs of developing economy, local governments at all levels in our country take investment and investment as the primary task. The local government intervened with a strong gesture to attract investment, which acted as the dual role of investment environment builders and merchants, and took all the work of attracting investment activities, including industrial policy formulation, preferential policies, investment items. Examination and approval, economic and trade fair and so on. The government is decided by the specific historical conditions. It is also obvious to our country's opening to the outside world and the initial stage of economic development. With the gradual improvement of the economic system and the gradual improvement of the social development level, especially after the entry into the WTO, the investment attracting model led by the local government has not been able to meet the needs of the times. The exposed problems have attracted more and more people's attention. The government is offside in attracting investment, and the dislocation is serious. The root of this leading investment investment model is the root of the government. The source is the current system of assessment of the cadres. The traditional concept of development and the view of political achievements have made the local government have a great deal of quick profit and instant benefit in attracting investment. In order to increase the performance of the local GDP, the vicious competition among the local governments will attract foreign capital through various tax and other preferential policies, which has damaged the interests of the state. There are many problems in the current investment behavior of the government, and the local government can still attract foreign investment, especially the cost sensitive foreign capital, with the preferential tax policy and low investment cost.
The enterprise income tax law of People's Republic of China, which was implemented in January 1, 2008, unified the income tax of internal and external enterprises into the new tax law of 25%. and carried out the principle of fair tax burden. It solved the problem of tax burden difference between domestic and foreign enterprises because of different tax treatment. The merger of two taxes marked the probation of internal and external enterprises for more than 10 years. The pattern of "one tax and two laws" in the same tax law has also become a history. This also means that the tax privileges that foreign businessmen have enjoyed will never return. Chinese and foreign enterprises will compete on the same running line. The focus of the problem is also an attempt to solve this thesis.
The merger of two taxes, the appreciation of the RMB and the newly promulgated "labor law of People's Republic of China" increase the investment cost of foreign investors in China, and the pressure of competition will increase greatly. Because of the foreign investment introduced in China, a large part of the foreign capital is a small, labor-intensive, Hongkong. They are mainly engaged in the processing trade of "two in the outside" of raw materials and markets. This kind of export oriented investment is highly sensitive to all kinds of production and operation costs, including tax, and has high liquidity. This kind of investment is very possible when the tax rate increases and the abolition of tax incentives increases the operating cost. It can be seen that the merger of the two taxes brings great challenges to the investment and investment of our country. The merger of the two taxes will help us to upgrade our industry and gradually eliminate the high pollution. The industry of high energy consumption and high energy consumption will introduce some high quality foreign capital to ensure the sustainable development of our economy; it is beneficial to the establishment and development of a fair competition market economy environment, the promotion of fair competition of enterprises, the promotion of the competitiveness of China's economy as a whole and the inhibition of the false foreign capital. How should local governments adjust the behavior of attracting investment and attracting investment? To deal with the opportunities and challenges brought by investment promotion is the focus of this paper.
This paper is divided into six parts, which is based on the theory of attracting investment and attracting investment at home and abroad and the theory of new public management as the theoretical basis. The two taxes are combined into a time dividing point. First, the situation of attracting investment in China before the merger of the two taxes and the existing model of local government investment and investment are analyzed, and the role of attracting investment is discussed. The characteristics of the investment and investment in China before the two taxes are merged and the emphasis on the motivation of the government to attract investment, the development of the existing investment model and its disadvantages, and then introduce the topic of the two tax merger, introduce the background of the two tax merger, and analyze the opportunities and challenges that the two taxes bring to the investment and investment. According to the relevant knowledge of the new public management theory and the theory of investment and investment introduction, the opportunities and challenges are analyzed, and the inevitability and the concrete measures of the adjustment of investment promotion behavior after the merger of the two taxes are discussed. This is also the innovation and emphasis of this article.
From the perspective of new public management, the government is a provider of public service. It itself cannot intervene in economic activities, but should create a fair, good environment, serve the economy, maintain economic order and solve the problems of the people's livelihood. The government should play the role of "the helm" rather than the role of the "rower", and the government is too much involved in the market. The field only leads to the government failure. The thought determines the behavior. Therefore, after the merger of the two taxes, the government should change the thought, change the government function and reduce the government intervention. The government oriented investment investment model is the product of the "government omnipotence" thought under the traditional planned economic system. The government's power is unlimited, and the government's behavior is unrestrained. Therefore, only under the background of the transformation of government functions and the reform of the political system can the model be fundamentally changed. The government should seize the opportunities and challenges brought by the merger of the two taxes, adjust the behavior of attracting investment, gradually fade out the investment, and further cultivate the merchants. The government should reform the government performance evaluation system and establish a new cadre assessment mechanism to form a limited government investment model. The government should strive to create a good environment (including soft environment and hard environment) for investment promotion. There are various channels and ways for the government to improve the investment environment. However, the government should analyze the overall characteristics of the current regional economic development. In the market economy environment with the main characteristics of free competition, the development direction and potential of the regional economy, including the urban economy, lies in the development of the comparative advantage, the formation of the characteristic industry, the enhancement of the competitive ability, the formation of a comparative advantage, and the increase of the two tax merger. With the addition of foreign investment costs in China, the government should reduce the cost of the government in attracting investment by a series of measures to increase the attraction of attracting investment. Reducing the cost of attracting investment by the government, including improving the legal system of attracting investment, standardizing the market competition environment, simplifying the examination and approval procedure, improving the efficiency of business, and preventing the formation of investment corruption, Effective government investment model. In the specific investment investment behavior, the government should make use of the opportunity for the merger of two taxes to carry out industrial upgrading and adjustment, optimize the investment benefit and investment structure, formulate and improve the supporting measures for the merger of the two taxes to ensure that the two tax merger can play the best effect. Differentiation to form a competitive advantage, avoid the vicious competition among local governments and increase the tax cost of foreign capital due to the merger of two taxes, and strengthen the supervision and prevention of foreign capital tax avoidance, and safeguard our country's interests.
Attracting investment has played an important role in the development of China's economy. However, due to the behavior deviation of local government in attracting investment, there are many problems in China's current investment and investment work. The merger of the two taxes brings opportunities and challenges to the investment and investment work. If local government can hold these opportunities through adjustment In order to meet the challenges brought by the two tax merger, the investment and investment will be more healthy, more dynamic and competitive, and will also play a greater role in the development of our economy.
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