[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of our country's economic environment, the aggravation of market competition, the continuous revision and perfection of labor law and labor contract law, the influence of international economic and financial crisis and the continuous development and maturity of social supply chain. The demand for outsourcing of human resources management, the demand for employment and re-employment of talents and the value of human capital have undergone fundamental changes in the whole society. These factors contribute to the rise and rapid development of the human resources outsourcing market. Firstly, this paper analyzes the current situation of outsourcing and outsourcing decision in enterprise human resource management. Outsourcing is the demand of social division of labor, which is helpful for enterprises to pursue and maintain their core competitiveness. Compensation and welfare outsourcing service is an important part of human resource management outsourcing. It emphasizes that HR only does its best and most core business, and at the same time, obtains professional, efficient and low-cost services from outside. In order to improve the enterprise's own advantages, better adapt to the rapidly changing market environment. Secondly, this article carries on the omnidirectional theory discussion to the human resources management outsourcing. Analysis and research from different theoretical perspectives, including transaction cost theory, resource theory, core competitiveness theory, competitive strategy theory, enterprise development strategy theory, "barrel principle" management theory, Supply chain management theory and principal-agent theory. Outsourcing not only brings huge profits, but also contains great risks, such as improper selection of outsourcing service providers, disclosure of business secrets, cultural conflicts, and the increase of additional costs, all of which may bring losses to enterprises. Finally, into the core of this paper, on the basis of in-depth analysis of the factors, processes and methods of outsourcing decision-making, this paper explains the outsourcing decision-making model of human resources management, and constructs the compensation outsourcing decision-making model. Then the empirical analysis. In order to make the decision model more practical and instructive, this paper constructs a 3W decision model of salary outsourcing decision, which takes XX state-owned large engineering company as the data source and achieves the empirical purpose.
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