[Abstract]:Corporate social responsibility has become a hot topic, involving various stakeholders, such as companies, trade unions, academic institutions, and NGOs. The rise of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the result of corporate practice or the sustainable growth of labor rights, which is a problem that needs further study. This paper introduces the origin, concept evolution and global practice of corporate social responsibility. According to globalization and its internal contradiction, it explains the status of corporate social responsibility in China. The author believes that there are three ways forward for the labour movement: first, to remove the myth of corporate social responsibility and to publicly expose its shortcomings; second, to establish a United front in the ILO to achieve better division of work and cooperation; and third, A triangle of solidarity between southern workers' groups, northern consumers and trade union movements.
【作者单位】: 亚洲专讯资料研究中心 香港基督教工业委员会
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