[Abstract]:Agent insurance marketer system was brought into China by American friends insurance company in 1992. In the past ten years, insurance marketer has become one of the driving forces for the rapid development of insurance industry in China. But it is such a group that has made great contribution to the development of insurance industry in our country, but it is in a completely lacking position in the protection of labor rights and interests, without any protection and welfare. The root of the lack of insurance salesman's labor rights and interests is the contradiction and conflict between the insurance company and the insurance company in theory and reality. From the legal qualitative analysis, the insurance marketer and insurance company are in the principal-agent relationship, there is no labor relation, and the insurance marketer is located in the personal insurance agent. However, on the practical level, the agent relationship between insurance marketers and insurance companies is not only not standardized, but also insurance companies implement employee system management to insurance marketers, thus forming a mixed state of agency relationship and labor relationship. It is neither a pure agency relationship nor a pure labor relationship. The two relationships intersect in the communication between insurance marketers and insurance companies. This kind of mixed relationship can be regarded as a kind of covert labor relation. According to the principle of "fact first" and the criterion of "subordinate attribute", most of the mixed relations can be regarded as factual labor relations. The existence of a mixed relationship allows insurance companies to carry out laborer-like management models for insurance marketers on the one hand and agent contracts rather than labor contracts with insurance marketers on the other. Both parties are agency relations, not labor relations, to avoid their social security and labor welfare obligations. The construction of labor rights and interests protection system for insurance marketers in our country must fully consider the actual situation of the development of insurance market in our country and combine the characteristics of insurance marketing mode in our country, instead of blindly copying and transplanting other countries' systems. You can choose a comprehensive model that includes the agency system, the employee system and the exclusive agency company system, which can be retained by the insurance company and absorbed by the professional agency company. Personal agents transform part of these three ways to divert existing insurance marketers. In the specific system design, in addition to the further improvement of social insurance and commercial old-age insurance, medical insurance, we should also pay attention to the establishment of insurance agents trade union, vigorously develop professional insurance agency companies.
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