劳动法 的翻译结果
在分类学科中查询 所有学科 行政法及地方法制 人才学与劳动科学 宏观经济管理与可持续发展 民商法 法理、法史 保险 投资 国际法 宪法 历史查询
On human resource management of our enterprises and perfecting of the Labor Law
Labor Law Adjusting Employment Relationship
The labor law should protect the interests of the employee but the protection should be based on the balance of interests between the employment unit and the employee.
尽管劳动法以保护劳动者合法权益为己任,但这种保护应该建立在用人单位与劳动者利益平衡的基础之上。 用人单位的各项权利义务都应当以用人单位与劳动者利益平衡为前提。
On Limitation of Labor Dispute Arbitration and Protection of Labor:Annex to Comment on the Article 82 of Labor Law
It is necessary for protecting labor to redefine the notion of the day of labor dispute occurring, reasonable explain of suspension, discontinuance and arbitrating result of limitation of labor dispute arbitration based on the article 82 of labor law.
重新界定《劳动法》第 82条中“劳动争议发生之日”的概念 ,合理解释劳动争议仲裁时效的中止、中断以及劳动争议仲裁时效完成的后果等 ,对进一步完善我国劳动法律对劳动者的保护是很有必要的
On Problems in Implementing Labour Law and their Countermeasures
Therefore the principle of defending labourers’ legal interest and the principles of equal labour right of citizens are two bas ic principle of the Labour Law.
劳动法基本原则是劳动法的核心和立法宗旨 ,也是劳动法实践中必须遵循的基本准则 ,因此 ,维护劳动者合法权益原则和公民劳动权利平等原则是劳动法的两项基本原则
Standard of Social Accountability 8000 and Labour Law of PRC
The second level, we should change government's functions , fulfill government's duty, perfecting " company law " , " labour law " and relevant laws and regulations , establish the supervision system and the social security system, strengthen the rural labors rights and interests from supporting of law;
Study of Basic Principles of the Labour Law
But in the author’s opinion, legislation is the key point, that is, the law is not perfect. The relevant regulations of the labor law are either scarce, or fail to " keep pace with the time", or, the current labor laws and regulations are not coherent enough, sometimes even go so far to be contradictory ——This paper has made analysis to these questions one by one.
The various labor laws of different countries stipulate different system of worker participation, and present different results in the actual operation.
The context of survival and development for China's labor law is dramatically different from that of Western labor laws. Therefore, the play of its role should be based on China's current conditions and special attention should be given to the generalization of the masses' practical experience during the process of its implementation.
Compensation for work-related injury is one of the most pragmatic issues in accordance with the Law of Labor and the Law of Social Security.
The series of equal right, granted to farmers by the Constitution and Law of Labor, is the primary route to solve the farmers' problems at the new stage.
In the process of practicing the law of labor, there are some system obstaclesthat baffle its full exercise.
In order to implement the provisions about occupational training which are provided in Constitution and Law of labor,to prompt the workers' abilities of competition and adaptation,to improve their income,and to promote the development of our country's work about occupational training,combining with actual situation of our country and learning effective experience from other countries,the paperexpound these from three aspects as to labor's legislation: attach much more importance to the legislation of advanced occupational education;
Employment relation beyond the regulations of The law of labor and Labor relation are the same social relations in nature.
labor law
Another interesting result emerges in respect to the role of labor law.
Contrary to the assumption that German labor law hinders flexibility, employers in this study do not see the process of wage formation extremely restricted by labor law.
Labor law reform in South Africa unintentionally precipitated the rapid growth of a powerful black trade union movement and institutionalized collective bargaining in the 1980s.
The inclusion of labor law, discrimination issues, consumer protection legislation, securities laws, and an overview of the U.S.
Our analysis also sheds some light on the issue under which circumstances binding long-term contracts should be allowed in general labor law.
labour law
Recent Changes in the Yemeni Labour Law and Nationalisation Law
Working children and international labour law: A critical analysis
Foreign workers in Turkey, their rights and obligations regulated in Turkish Labour Law
Liukkunen, The Role of Mandatory Rules in International Labour Law - A Comparative Study in the Conflict of Laws
Recent developments in social policy and labour law
labor laws
These economic forces are so strong that neither child labor laws nor mandatory schooling legislation are an effective deterrent against employers or families.
is whether to allow employers to establish works councils, employee committees, or other representational systems not permitted under the current labor laws.
Opponents, however, argued that NAFTA would lead to wage cuts, job losses, the erosion of labor standards, and the harmonization of labor laws to the lowest common denominator.
The provincial government, however, failed to enforce provisions of its weak labor laws that required "bargaining in good faith."
Absent dramatic changes in federal private sector labor law, and adoption of numerous public sector labor laws, the resources necessary for organization will be tremendous.
law of labor
Collective labor relations law is divided into the three areas of works council law, collective bargaining law and the law of labor struggles.
What is almost entirely judge-made law is the law of labor struggles.
The essay expounds the system and characteristics of the SEZ Labour Lawin light of the practice in the Shenzhen SEZ and,following a comparativestudy of the labour laws of the Shenzhen SEZ and Hong Kong,discusses thesystem and characteristics of the latter.Finally the writer puts forth somespecific suggestions to the labour administration system in the SEZ.
As the replacement of planning economic by market economic going on, the employment relationship in state -owned enterprises is alsochanging. This paper discussed how to correctly acknowledge the relationbetween the two main badies existed in the market economics and the wayto deal with this relation, emphasized the method of processing inner employrelations in state-owned enterprises in market economic enviroment. A fewprecautions were also presen ted to both employer and employee whilelearning and enforcing...
As the replacement of planning economic by market economic going on, the employment relationship in state -owned enterprises is alsochanging. This paper discussed how to correctly acknowledge the relationbetween the two main badies existed in the market economics and the wayto deal with this relation, emphasized the method of processing inner employrelations in state-owned enterprises in market economic enviroment. A fewprecautions were also presen ted to both employer and employee whilelearning and enforcing the" Labor Law".
The profession training is a major component parts of modern education system, as well as a strategy measure of developing national economy. Using an advanced experience of other countries, on the basis of the labor law of People′s Republic of China, we must establish and perfect new system for profession training according with national condition of China and international practice. This article also describes principles of the law regulation of training.
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