本文关键词: 异质人工生殖 亲子认定 婚生推定 基因说 子女最佳利益说 出处:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Today, with the rapid development of society, due to various reasons, the fertility of human beings is gradually reduced, and many couples are suffering from childless circumstances. Artificial reproduction technology came into being in such a large environment. With the gradual maturity and wide application of heterogeneous artificial reproduction, the related legal issues are increasingly prominent, especially the parent-child identification of heterogeneous artificial reproduction. Our laws and regulations on this aspect are rare, which will bring a lot of problems, for example, will lead to parent-child relationship confusion. At the same time, it will also bring about the unclear inheritance subject and the unclear legal status of children. In order to avoid the occurrence of these conditions. The legislation of our country should stipulate the rules of paternity identification of heterogeneous artificial reproduction as soon as possible. The first chapter is the analysis of the basic problems of parent-child identification of heterogeneity artificial reproduction. Firstly, it introduces the connotation of heterogeneous artificial reproduction, the types of heterogeneous artificial reproduction. Thirdly, it analyzes the various theories about parent-child identification at home and abroad. At last, it introduces the legislation status of heterogeneity artificial reproduction in our country and some legal problems brought about by the imperfection of legislation. The second chapter is the research on parent-child identification of heterogeneity artificial reproduction. First, the different species of heterogeneity artificial reproduction are introduced. Class. From the Anglo-American law countries and civil law countries to make a comparative analysis of the parent-child identification system. Finally, the legislative trend of parent-child identification of heterogeneity artificial reproduction is studied, and the premise is to evaluate whether it is applicable or not. The third chapter is about how to perfect the legal regulation of parent-child identification of heterogeneity artificial reproduction. First of all, compare the advantages and disadvantages of various theories introduced above. The author puts forward the author's views and opinions on the principle of parent-child identification of heterogeneous artificial reproduction. Secondly, under the premise of the above argumentation and analysis, the author constructs the standards of parent-child identification for different types of reproductive modes.
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