本文关键词: 未成年人 监护 监护监督 完善 出处:《甘肃政法学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The guardianship system, which originated from Roman law, has become one of the most important systems in the modern civil law system after more than 2000 years of development. As a typical private law, civil law is more in pursuit of fairness and justice under the background of modern law. It has shifted from focusing solely on the protection of personal and property relations among equal subjects to focusing on the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups in society. The protection of the disadvantaged groups in society by law is also more conducive to the harmonious and stable development of society. Minors are the future and hope of a country. They also have their own independent legal personality, and in the process of growing up, That is, in the process of transition from a person with no capacity for civil conduct to a person with full civil capacity, due to the relative deficiencies in psychological and physical aspects, he is not able to handle his own personal and property rights and interests very well. This inevitably requires minors to have the guidance and care of a guardian. Under the condition that minors are under guardianship, they are inferior to the guardian. In addition, our law on guardianship places more emphasis on the compulsory nature of guardianship. Therefore, in our country, there is often a lack of guardianship or failure of duty of a guardian. Causing minors under guardianship to be in an extremely disadvantageous position or on the road to crime due to the lack of proper guidance from their guardians, Based on the above situation, we can also conclude that there are a lot of loopholes in the supervision system of minor guardianship in our country. In short, it is the imperfect legislation of guardianship supervision in our country and the feasible measures of supervision without guardianship of minors. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the origin of guardianship system and draw the background and relevant significance of guardianship supervision. Then through the comparison with the advanced legislation of the extraterritorial guardianship supervision system, the author draws the conclusion that the defects of the guardianship supervision system legislation in our country and the legislative experience that can be learned and used for reference. Finally, according to the actual situation of our country, a series of suggestions are put forward to improve the supervision system of minors' guardianship in our country. In today's society, where substantive justice is more advocated, Many sociologists and jurists have called for the improvement of the supervision system of minors' guardianship in China and the protection of their legitimate rights and interests. Minor guardianship supervision legislation can also play an active role in the compilation of China's civil code.
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6 吴s,