发布时间:2018-02-26 08:30
本文关键词: 业主权利 专有财产 共有财产 权能限制 比较法 正当性 出处:《南京大学学报(哲学·人文科学·社会科学)》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:On the basis of limitations on the rights of the exclusive and common parts of the owner, The ownership of owners in modern cities contains the concept that individual owners cannot use their property as they wish. Therefore, how to regulate various restrictions on owners' ownership is a problem faced by legislators and academics. Focusing on the determination of borders, The traditional path of property right, which is guided by a clear monopoly, needs to break through, and the discussion of owner's ownership should have a new thinking and a new analytical framework of exchanging power, which provides a new element for the judgment of value norm of legislator and judicial policy-there is no need to question it all. Compliance with private law autonomy, resulting from reasonable restrictions leading to a comfortable community and friendly neighbours, may be of greater interest to the owner... in this case, We draw lessons from the legal evolution and concrete cases of owners' ownership (building ownership) in the United States and South Africa, and combine with the concrete context and actual situation of our country, and put forward the solution proposal.
【作者单位】: 香港城市大学法学院;
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8 焦s,