本文选题:声音商标 切入点:分类 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:At present, the European Union, the United States, Australia, Germany, France and other countries have all recognized that sound trademarks are protected by law. International treaties such as the "Trademark Law, Singapore Treaty" also stipulate sound trademarks. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises in international trade, it is necessary to bring sound trademarks into the protection scope of our trademark law. At the same time, the development of science and technology, The advent of the Internet age also provides a practical basis for the emergence of sound trademarks. "A sound trademark is defined as a sound composed of notes or consisting of other special sounds, as well as a combination of sound and text, letters, graphics, numbers, three-dimensional symbols, dynamic signs, or combinations of colors," Mainly through the way of hearing, not completely exclusive of vision, the identification of the source of goods or services. In addition to the classification of musical sound trademark and non-musical sound trademark, it is also based on the different elements that constitute the sound trademark. The sound trademark is divided into a pure sound trademark and a combined sound trademark. A pure sound trademark refers to a trademark consisting only of sound, which is a sound trademark in a narrow sense. The combined sound trademark is composed of characters, letters, and graphics. A combination of elements such as number, 3D logo, color combination and sound. A description of the characteristics of sound trademarks, Through case analysis and comparative analysis, the author studies and studies the laws and regulations, cases and theories of various countries. The principle and standard of judging the significance of sound trademark are explained and preset. To judge whether the sound trademark is significant, we should abide by the following principles: the general principles of attention of the relevant public, As well as the principle of overall judgment and subject investigation. It is suggested that the following factors should be taken into account in judging the salience obtained: the recognition of the sound trademark by the relevant public, the associative relationship between the sound trademark and the goods or services; The type of goods marked by the sound trademark; the duration of the exclusive use of the sound trademark; the duration, extent and geographical scope of the publicity activities for the sound trademark; And the protected records of the sound trademark. It defines the sound signs that conflict with the prior rights of others, the sound signs in violation of the law, the universal sound signs, the descriptive sound marks, the long and too short sound marks, Functional sound cannot be registered as a sound trademark. On the basis of analyzing the written description, pattern representation, and mixed representation of the sound trademark, the author puts forward some suggestions on the problems that may arise in the concrete implementation of the sound trademark. For example, improve the content of specific text description, the use standard of music score and sound spectrum, the format and carrier requirement of sound sample, etc. Analyze the infringement behavior that may be involved in sound trademark, and put forward some suggestions on judging the standard of sound trademark confusion.
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